Whats Going on?


Oct 26, 2003
I was poking around the first gp32 forum a couple of years ago, and everybody is like "omg, snes is great on this system, so fast omg, omg, omg..." Now i come back and everything is like "wow snes sucks, SNES9x was leaked and now there is no work on it..." IS THIS TRUE!!! i waited to get a gp32 until snes and mame were pretty decently emu'd and the price went down. But now i hear that gp32 is dead, nobody likes it blah blah blah...
Is this true? i would hate it if gp32 is already "dead", its only been "alive" for a couple of years (hombrew and stuff). Can someone clarify what the state of gp32 is for me?
Gp32 is still alive and well, Snes emu's are still being worked on although we might not see an update for a while. Snes Emulation is descent, and with all the other emus and Gpcinema/moviepark Where could you go wrong?
gp32....has now entered the building.
snes emu ok...skipframe 3 with no sound....
fmame video running ghost n goblin's...(no sound)...look to run quite quickly.
take a look at thunderz 3-d engine...(i like)
gpcinema....good quality film's,running at 15fps on one smc.
mp3 player's...picture viewer's...text viewer's...homebrew game's...
and more emu's on the way....plus yoyo's secret project...(could be a snes emu...(remember he's allready coded a nes one))
come on people....
stop the madness...NOW!!!!

Just think of it this way:
you COULD buy a PocketPC for like $250 (Axim) and play fast SNES with $hitty controls, and get okay movie on a small screen. OR you could get a GP32 and play OK snes, OK MAME, and good gameboy/ and nes and a pretty big screen (from what i can see) for 150$ with great controls. hmm choices.
Is this pretty much right or what?
PRETTY much right. A GP32 is about $250 for a good FLU version, case, and SMC. But we might as well not stop after the consoles you mentioned, as there are a lot of fans into C64, Scumm, Genesis (we all know it'll be great soon), and Atari. And of course someone else will mention a handful more.

Personally, I don't usually play games that don't run smoothly at Frameskip 1 or 0. Since there are so many older games emulated to perfection on the system, there is plenty to keep one entertained until that ultimate release.
SNES is great now that overclocking has been proved safe. Some odd people think the GP32 is now dead just because the European release has been cancelled, which doesn't really affect any of us anyway.

EDIT: In fact, according to Lik-Sang, the GP32 is "stronger than ever"
Yeah, i got that "product alert" or whatever it was from lik-sang. I was kinda dissapointed, but then again it did say that it could still happen. I think it was VERY stupid for that company (cant remember the name) to announce that they just decided to cancel the European release. As soon as gp32 generates some steam, gamepark will undoubtedly start making some games that are on-par with GBA and ps1 that are *mass-marketable to non asian countries*.
You know what would be really great IMO? If gamepark released a game that did what final fantasy 9 did for ps1. Man, i still play that game....

* I know some GP32 games are just as good a GBA games or better, but they do not appeal to the same international crowd like gba games do. Everything revolves around money...
Mitsui is the company. The GP32 isn't dead, people are still making emus and stuff for it. Rlyeh is going to work on fSNES and yoyo's secret project might be a snes emu. If you really want snes emulation, check out the zodiac (Relax people! I just don't want him to get really mad when he finds out about the zodiac after he get his gp32). Check out ZodiacGamer for more info.
I saw the Zodiac in a post a while back, looks cool but can we all say $299? Too much $$$ for SNES, DIVX, Neverwinter nights, or anything. Heck, im a student in high school and gp32 is too much! I was gonna get a PPC, but i already have a palm for PIM stuff, and i would just play the PPC in class, so why not get a GP32 for less?
Does anyone know how much us UK ers will have to pay for the zodiac when its available to us? If craig answers, i mean including VAT pls cos i hear that ull be stocking them.
Just one more question:
If i oc'd my gp32 to 133mhz could i expect at least 20fps on most games?
Ruune posted on Oct 28 2003 at 12:40 PM said:
If i oc'd my gp32 to 133mhz could i expect at least 20fps on most games?
Upto 133MHz is within the spec of the GP32 so you are not overclocking. Overclocking is from 134MHz >.

The speed is VERY dependent on the emu/port/game etc. that your trying to use but most developers aim to get reasonable performance at stock speed in my view.

For 16bit system emulation check out Castaway and gpEngine as views of what could be done with some other 16bit systems given time and effort. Both run brilliantly at stock (133MHz) speeds.
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Sorry i was not specific enough, i meant snes9xGP. I was in a big hurry to get out the door for school. Its all good though :D
I haven't really been around long enouh to have noticed any transition from the 'old days' to the 'new' though I am more than happy with my gp32. When you put things down to basics, I have a very cool little and light machine, with a great screen, that can play so many games it is not funny. Already I have problems coz I want to try everything out. I have no time to actually spend PLAYING a game.. :D

When MAME is perfected then I'll have about another 3,000 games or so at my disposal. Is that somehow not enough..??

Lets put things back into perspective and marvel at the gp32's abilitues, instead of hacking on it coz it can't play the newest release YET.
Overclocking is just the Software speeding things up, or is the system (the Gp32)?
<--- Call me retarded i just thought I'd ask.
