Whatever Happened To Metal Slug????

Daz_Genetic posted on Apr 4 2004 at 04:17 PM said:
Take a look at the guys site.. He only makes a demo and then moves onto the next game. I would hope makes something of it, but it's pretty unlikely.
yeah...i think that is WIERD...i mean, make a game where you can walk around...then make another demo...not saying that he isn't a good coder...just needs to finish some stuff...
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(braindead2 on a french forum) <<le jeu a vraiment evolué par rapport a cette version, mais je ne release pas justement parce que ca a visiblement emballé pas mal de monde et que je veux sortir une super bonne version donc tu peut te dire que plus tu attend, plus ca sera bon>>

(google translator)
the game really evolved compared to this version, but I release not precisely because it obviously packed not badly of world and that I want to thus leave a super good version you can say to you that the more you waits, more it will be good