Whatever Happened To...


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
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Metal Slug tech demo
- Last I heard was that it was being worked on, and quite a few advancements had been made. More weapons, an end of level boss, more animations... Any news recently on this?

- Have there been any recent WIP/News updates?

- See OpenSnes9xGP

DazGenetic's driving engine
- Now this looked very promising.
cof cof gbax cof cof...you know,some programmers are delaying his soft to show in this competition =)
i am a little unsure about the future of GP32. it's always "wait and see," perpetually. It's reached a point now where I am very happy with everything it can do, anything beyond that is a bonus. Especially if I can send it out and get a mashmodded overclock modification (if it doesn't cost too much - havent check the price yet) then it would all be pretty cool.

Things were really heating up at the end of last year with all the huge releases (osnes9x, fGen, others) and it's been pretty quiet since - lots of hopes here and there (future versions of osnes, mirko's GPMame, update of GPengine, anything else by Rlyeh...?) but I am so busy with other things in my life that I've not got much time for gaming lately anyway. Still if we see any of these things pick up steam then that would definitely draw me back into the fold. If not, and it all stops tomorrow, then I still feel I've got my money's worth.

regardless, I still expect we'll see some equally impressive things in the next 3-5 months, keep your fingers crossed..
Still working on the driving engine. Trying to get something running on the GP32 for the GBAX competition. So you'll either see something out at that point, or I'll just release my source code shortly after and maybe someone else can do something with it.
With the GBAX competition ending soon, you won't see anything special until it's finished. Just wait for that to end, then you can ask this question.