What Would You Like A Game To Include



so what do you guys think would make a game different and what would you want it to include.

I was playing a game called fahrenheit (indigo prophecy) and i found that a pretty groundbreaking game with the amount stuff you could interact with and the story

so what do you think
I always like when a game has a good story (RPG). Offcourse you can never go wrong with ninjas! :D :ph34r:
or why dont we get midgets riding 50ft dogs chasing ninja now thats what you call a game
i've always liked the idea of something like zelda, ocarina of time but with more puzzle elements like the early tomb raiders and where (like an rpg) battles go into a seperate style. however, the battles would be fought along the lines of soul calibur 2. as you went through the game you would learn new moves and gain spells and summons etc

so basically i want an rpg/beat-em-up

fun of a beat-em-up with the storyline and progression of an awesome rpg.

EDIT: also, no random battles. like zelda, if you wanted to avoid a fight you'd stay away from the enemies!
i've always liked the idea of something like zelda, ocarina of time but with more puzzle elements like the early tomb raiders and where (like an rpg) battles go into a seperate style. however, the battles would be fought along the lines of soul calibur 2. as you went through the game you would learn new moves and gain spells and summons etc

so basically i want an rpg/beat-em-up

fun of a beat-em-up with the storyline and progression of an awesome rpg.

EDIT: also, no random battles. like zelda, if you wanted to avoid a fight you'd stay away from the enemies!
tales of phantasia for snes?
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Yeah, I'd take random battling out of FFX, or at least the opportunity to take a potion that repels enemys, like Pokémon.
well jeez i dont think u could beat ff 7, but i always thought the early 3d games where the best like resident evil 1 ( one of my favorite games ) zelda ocerina of time (although i prefered majoras mask) and tomb raider

i hate cut scenes

i'm sorry, but if I sit down to play a game I don't want to watch a movie

some may argue that skippable cut scenes are the norm, but then i miss the story

games like Zelda and parts of Halo 2 sprigng to mind
i've always liked the idea of something like zelda, ocarina of time but with more puzzle elements like the early tomb raiders and where (like an rpg) battles go into a seperate style. however, the battles would be fought along the lines of soul calibur 2. as you went through the game you would learn new moves and gain spells and summons etc

so basically i want an rpg/beat-em-up

Ah Ha I think you want to try Jade empire, all the fun of the KOTOR games with added Kung-foo/Magic action and a fantastic style.
Come to think of it Fable's pretty entertaining too

I may dream about 50ft Ninja dogs now tho'
