The Pandora Photo Game


Jun 23, 2011
Andover, UK
Right lads and ladies thought I would try bringing alive an old game we play on another forum I use but with the Pandora. Could take off or go down like a lead ballon?

It's simple the aim of the game is to take a picture of your pandora in front of/on top of a target location. For example if I say you need to include a shark in your image then you need to take a picture of your pandora next to a Shark etc, you must include exactly what the target is, who ever is the first person to get the image in then chooses the next target/idea.

Everyone get it?  Nothing to unrealistic to keep this game alive and get involved the target can be absolutely anything be as creative as you like, the picture can't be an old one that we've seen before in the thread once it gets going

Right I'll start, include in your image of your pandora a N64

Albino Red Tail Shark and Pandora.jpg
...For those of us still awaiting our Pandora's, would a paper-cut-out-Pandora do?
My order confirmation is on my phone ... which is also my camera ... so I've had to use another Android to use in the shot, taken with my main Android


...Your Pandora next to an 8-bit game cartridge beginning with the letter 'M'
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Perhaps add a rule saying that the user's forum name must be in the picture?
My order confirmation is on my phone ... which is also my camera ... so I've had to use another Android to use in the shot, taken with my main Android


...Your Pandora next to an 8-bit game cartridge beginning with the letter 'M'
i'v same phone :)

what ROM do you have!?
Your Pandora next to an 8-bit game cartridge beginning with the letter 'M'


Stupidly big and blurry image included.

How about a pandora next to your favourite pet
My order confirmation is on my phone ... which is also my camera ... so I've had to use another Android to use in the shot, taken with my main Android
...Your Pandora next to an 8-bit game cartridge beginning with the letter 'M'
i'v same phone :)
what ROM do you have!?
Please make a new thread in off topic general for questions like that.
My order confirmation is on my phone ... which is also my camera ... so I've had to use another Android to use in the shot, taken with my main Android

...Your Pandora next to an 8-bit game cartridge beginning with the letter 'M'
i'v same phone :)
what ROM do you have!?
Please make a new thread in off topic general for questions like that.
Please don't backseat moderate. 

Yes, Please don't take this thread off topic.

@Zip - I don't actually use that phone, think it is stock, I use Xperia Play rooted with NXTBeAn for my day to day though... Only phone for me until I get my iCP2

Aaaaand, Pandora with an 12" record - GO!