What Wifi Dongles Work For The Caanoo?

since quake allows multiplayer now i've been laying in bed and playing and watching games online a lot. having the dongle stick out from the bottom like it does now is really annoying because i like to lay the caanoo on my chest for support sometimes. has anyone thought of modding a dongle or creating an adapter that allows the dongle to fold or fit onto the back of the caanoo? this would be just as good and easier to do than having a micro dongle i think.
blues2 said:
since quake allows multiplayer now i've been laying in bed and playing and watching games online a lot. having the dongle stick out from the bottom like it does now is really annoying because i like to lay the caanoo on my chest for support sometimes. has anyone thought of modding a dongle or creating an adapter that allows the dongle to fold or fit onto the back of the caanoo? this would be just as good and easier to do than having a micro dongle i think.

Hey, I used to have this problem with my old laptop... with a huge-ass dongle sticking out of it. I pasted some velcro onto my laptop and onto the dongle, and found a USB extention cable. It worked well. Try to find a USB extention cable (aka male to female) that kind of... hooks off to the side so it doesn't stick out.
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look what i've found


i just wished the male end was shorter :(
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No luck with Ralink 3070 either, got one of these which would be perfect, if it would only work...

There is this file, but I can't load it as a module.

just received this through the post


150Mbps WiFi USB Nano Adapter Ralink RT3370 802.11/n

As said on this forum it should work but i dont appear to be having any luck with it! is there some way of setting it up that im missing? i just tryed it by going into settings and pressing the wifi button but comes back saying failed........

So now i have this wifi dongle and the Edimax nano usb adapter which both appear to be useless

I don't know much about kernel modules, but after a bit of messing around I managed to compile a module for the RT3370 chipset. The bad news is that it still doesn't work :(

root@wiz:/mnt/sd# insmod rt3370sta.ko 
insmod: cannot insert 'rt3370sta.ko': unknown symbol in module
root@wiz:/mnt/sd# dmesg | tail
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpNetTaskExit
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol rtmp_ee_efuse_write16
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol rtmp_ee_efuse_read16
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RT28XXDMAEnable
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpMgmtTaskInit
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpNetTaskInit
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RTUSBBulkReceive
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RT28xxUsbMlmeRadioOFF
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RT30xxSetRxAnt
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpAsicLoadFirmware

Anyone know what that means? Missing support in the kernel?
I don't know if anyone has asked this yet, but... is the one chipset that is compatible with the Caanoo actually decent? Do the adapters that use the Ralink 3070 chip actually function properly and work reliably?
Well I might buy this Buffilo adapter it has a Ralink RT3070v chipset and its tiny lol


ruffnutts ;)
Ok, Im having trouble. Every indication given states that the buffalo Nfinity with the Ralink 2870 chipset should work.

I just got this adapter today. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833162030

I have verified with a very prickly and snide cust serv rep at buffalotech that this does in fact use the RAlink 2870 chipset.

It however as was indicated in an earlier post by Com64 in this thread that it would work out of the box, I am not getting this to work on a plug and play basis.

I have scoured the site for setup instructions, as well as watched several youtube videos hoping to figure this out.

The card itself works in both windows 7 and XP.

I have attempted to get this working in firmware 1.0.1 as well as 1.0.6 and the result is the same.
Searching AP
Network connection failed
Wifi connection is over.

Oddly, if I turn the USB drive off, it actually looks harder at the AP (albeit only for 3 seconds) If I turn the USB drive on, it immediately indicates network connection failed.

So at least in my exp, I wouldnt say that it is an absolute given that the Buffalo Wifi AP is going to work.

Also, any ideas and suggestions on what I might be able to do from here would be greatly appreciated.
Are the ones at the beginning of this thread tested to work? I see the one below was confirmed, and one with a hunking great antenna, but does anyone have a URL to a small, reasonable one I can order?

My Belkin F5D7050 V3 Wirless G network adapter does NOT work with the Caanoo out-of-the-box. It has an RT2571WF Ralink chip.
It's a huge adapter. Excluding the USB connector, it measures:
Length: 8.5cm
Width: 3cm
Height: 1cm

It's not exactly perfect for the Caanoo. I was going to use it with a USB hub of approximately the same size, but it doesn't seem to work.
ruffnutts said:
My Adapter now works with latest firmware yayyyyyy and its tiny woohoo :p
What adapter is it? Where did you get it? (I might want to grab one)
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Com64 said:
ruffnutts said:
My Adapter now works with latest firmware yayyyyyy and its tiny woohoo :p
What adapter is it? Where did you get it? (I might want to grab one)



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