Active Member
Anyone know if this chip set will work
Realtek RTL 8188SU chip
cheers nutts out
Realtek RTL 8188SU chip
cheers nutts out
blues2 said:since quake allows multiplayer now i've been laying in bed and playing and watching games online a lot. having the dongle stick out from the bottom like it does now is really annoying because i like to lay the caanoo on my chest for support sometimes. has anyone thought of modding a dongle or creating an adapter that allows the dongle to fold or fit onto the back of the caanoo? this would be just as good and easier to do than having a micro dongle i think.
blues2 said:look what i've found
i just wished the male end was shorter
root@wiz:/mnt/sd# insmod rt3370sta.ko
insmod: cannot insert 'rt3370sta.ko': unknown symbol in module
root@wiz:/mnt/sd# dmesg | tail
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpNetTaskExit
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol rtmp_ee_efuse_write16
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol rtmp_ee_efuse_read16
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RT28XXDMAEnable
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpMgmtTaskInit
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpNetTaskInit
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RTUSBBulkReceive
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RT28xxUsbMlmeRadioOFF
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RT30xxSetRxAnt
rt3370sta: Unknown symbol RtmpAsicLoadFirmware
What adapter is it? Where did you get it? (I might want to grab one)ruffnutts said:My Adapter now works with latest firmware yayyyyyy and its tiny woohoo
Com64 said:What adapter is it? Where did you get it? (I might want to grab one)ruffnutts said:My Adapter now works with latest firmware yayyyyyy and its tiny woohoo