What type of licence was used by the Neo900 team?


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2015
I've been wondering for some time now about the type of license that a company requires in order to up-cycle old and discontinued devices for commercial use. I refer specifically to devices from other companies (obviously) such as gaming companies like Nintendo, Sega, SNK, etc... or a cellphone company like Nokia which is the case of what OpenPhonenux did with their Neo900 project. You people have any idea?
Interesting question. They are just combining N900 parts and include a totally new motherboard. So they basically are only selling the motherboard and help folks with sourcing the N900 parts.
I am not sure if they need a specific licence for that, but it would surprise me if the Neo900 guys have investigated that. You might want to ask the same question on talk.maemo.org forum.
Thank you! I will ask in their forum, but... do you think that if I wanted to offer a similar service using amm... for instance, old gameboy micro's empty shells. will it be legal to do so as long as I only help them source the shells?
@kev_os I am confused about what you are thinking of doing. Are you saying you want to sell reproduction or original Micro cases with new guts? I don't see any reason for this to be a problem, as this is little different than selling, for example, a case mod of a computer in an old console shell. It could even be considered a mod to the game boy (when do you draw the line...I know there has been a lot of thinking about such questions over the years, but that isn't the discussion here). I think you just need to be clear about what you are selling to your buyers. You might want to check local laws. I might be able to point you at some people to ask if I know where you are and what you are trying to do. If you keep it small scale enough, even if it is in a grey area legally, you should be fine, but you should never ever do anything illegal, ever. ;)

Edit: Reading the thread again, I don't see any reason for anyone to run into legal issues for helping someone find something to buy, or selling the thing to them. That is basically what business is (either I sell you a thing, or I act as the middle man between you and the person that has/does it).