Ok here it goes ;-)
(btw i am 30 years old, so i had the chance to own some older stuff!)
- SuperPet9000 (use to have until my mom thru it in the garbage, only got the big dual floppy drive remaining 8-( )
- Vic-20 (in several pieces, i wanted to get some components, ahhh silly me i was young...)
- C-64C (still working with 1541-II, Action Replay 5, etc...)
- TRS-80 Coco III (buy it in a flea market, after my uncle give the floppy drive, manual and disk, i needed to get the computer to plug this drive in ;-))
- Amiga 500 (I have 2 of them actually, one with a 286 board, the other one has hard drive + 8meg fast, oh it also have Amax-II for Mac emulation)
- Amiga 4000/040 (this is full equip with ton of hard drive, cdrom, CyberVision64, etc...)
- Mac Centris 610 (an 68030 based mac)
- BeBox/66 Rev5 (Yes i have one of those very rare machine
- BeBox/133 Rev6 (of course i had to upgrade it to run the latest BeOS ;-))
- PC x86 (your standard PC with the usual Celeron 1000mhz, GeForce3 Ti-200, etc...)
- Amiga CD-32 (My first ever console that i bought, in my young age due that my dad bought the C-64 we never then add a console and the quantity of the game we had they were no need ;-))
- Neo Geo Pocket Color (the new revision, i bought it during my trip to Japan in October 2000)
- PS2 (damn was it hard to get this one, i bought it after Christmas 2000 just after they came out in North America)
And soon a GP32 of course!