Kramy said:
As for batteries, I went with Sanyo Eneloops. They give about 3-5 hours of battery life depending on the game and clockspeed. They take an incredibly long time to charge, though; something like 8 hours.
My Eneloop batteries last just barely 3 hours; it's on the short side though, but considering that I don't underclock as much as I overclock, I guess it's to be expected. The charging time for them is dependent on the charger itself, as mine charges them in just almost 4 hours.
Different chargers are known to recharge to different levels, too. Not significantly different - but it could be the difference between 2h 50m, and 3h 10m.
At 240mhz...I get around 3h battery life, with sound. At 200mhz, it seems more like 3h ~20 mins. Turn sound off, and it goes up to ~3h 40 mins. At 120mhz...not absolutely certain, but I think it was about 4h. idea.
But it also varies from game to game. Ex: Ghostpix lasted 5 hours one time, and PocketSNES lasted 2.5 hours another time.

But another time PocketSNES lasted 3.5 hours. Seems to vary from ROM to ROM, and having audio on means it'll become unstable and crash out sooner. Too bad the F200 audio is bloody loud and guzzles juice. :lol: