Nihilistic Mystic
Ewww, somehow I ended up posting, repeatedly, in a thread about programming with a bunch of programmers. What was I thinking. 
Assembly! I don't know 6502 assembly well, but I learned it enough to write simple programs in it, it helped me when making C64 cartridges. Assembly is mostly forgotten and removed from most IT teaching programs in may universities. If any is taught, it's ARM assembler, generally professors avoid Intel or older architectures, it's better to learn it with old books, codes and experiments than courses.It is great to see that so many people went with assembly early on. 6502 is one of the options I would look at after c, but @spud42 mentioned 8088, and I have a machine I want to give more love, so that would be an option, or, more practically in the mainstream modern world, ARM, depending on what is going on with the Pyra (or it successor), and the community, or smartphones.
Just break out QBasic/QuickBasic... In fact, wasn't there a modern rebuild of QBasic which used SDL and a C compiler? I'm sure there's a port for the Pandora too
Python bugs me by it's horrible use of indentation as code blocks.
At least the braces are visible. There's been a few times where I've been working on source code, everything looks fine and nicely formatted, then I push to GitHub or something then see that some lines are indented with tabs and others spaces. It might seem odd, but I do use multiple computers, and sometimes I forget to configure the editor correctly.I'm rather a fan of indentation indicating code blocks: if I have to indent my code in C++ to make it readable, it's better in Python that I can do that and lose having to type all of those curly braces. It does seem a little messy in multiline strings (triple quoting) where you have to stop indenting for the middle lines else end up with spaces in your string, but I usually end up concatenating single line strings each on its own line to avoid that.
the sole reason i learned python: no damn braces. that stuff drove me crazy during school (learning java). since i wanted to continue programming, but without that crap, i literally searched for "programming language without those godforsaken shit braces". have been a happy python user sinceit's better in Python that I can do that and lose having to type all of those curly braces
visual studio tends to put the things everywhere but where i want them. in some cases my cursor ends up in weird places too (although i'm not sure if that one's caused by one of our obscure plugins, or the fact that ue4 specific code is just weirding out all the automatic features).What about editors that automatically put the curly braces?
class StateOne(object):
def transition(self):
print("Transitioning from state one")
return StateTwo()
class StateTwo(object):
def transition(self):
print("Transitioning from state two")
return None
while c:
from __future__ import print_function
#!/usr/bin/tcc -run
#include <stdio.h>
int increase(int num) {
return num +1;
int main() {
int var2 = 2;
var2 = increase(var2);
printf("%i\n", var2);
return 0;