What Is The State Of The Psp Homebrew Scene?


GP2X by EvilDragon OC's to 280-300MHz
May 10, 2006
I read up on my Wikiality...

I'm not sure how closely tied to reality that is.

The amount of firmware updates / downgrades / ways to be compelled to upgrade / ways to downgrade again is just staggering. Sony really has been waging a war against their fans.

What's the net result? What's happening? Anyone have a PSP and know the general feel / status of the community?

Thanks guys.
Heh, what purpose does a PSP serve if you DON"T have custom firmware installed... PSX emulation really is wonderful and totally worth buying a PSP just for that alone. Basically all the other emulators (except N64, which isn't playable anyway) are better and look better on the GP2X: better control, better screen, better resolution.
shinneri said:
Basically all the other emulators (except N64, which isn't playable anyway) are better and look better on the GP2X: better control, better screen, better resolution.
I am not so sure about that, what's about CPS1, Neo Geo, GBA?
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Exophase originally started gpSP (GBA) on the PSP. It's still the most complete version and runs faster due to the PSP having some more advanced hardware acceleration and horsepower behind it.

PSP has the best PSX emu out, a great GBA emulator mixed in with a lot of poor homebrew and childish banter.
zodttd said:
PSP has the best PSX emu out, a great GBA emulator mixed in with a lot of poor homebrew and childish banter.
agree, yes mixed with.. :angry: hey some of it's good! (snake thats like flow, pspboggle, cspsp) and yes that needs to stop :P
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Fishbong said:
shinneri said:
Full speed PSX.
...is Homebrew?

Perhaps not, but I really don't think a PSP is worth it for its homebrew releases..

@Chaos: Okay, those are not emulators I have much experience with. Comparing most, though, I believe you'll find GP2X wins most of the time (even SNES; though the PSP emu has a lot of features, it's slower than the GP2X). Plus I don't think PSP has Sega CD at all. :)
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