What Is Going On ?

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jumpman said:
Edit:And by the way, I still think GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL
I had great respect for you un til now : you realy have crossed the lines here....

EDIT: I mean : saying somethis like that once is stating your opinion, saying it that much is diffamation.
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I'm amazed that many members of this community have more than 1 Pandora. Now thats community support. Were these bought at the $500 price tag? Even at the old $300+ price thats something.

jumpman said:
Prometheus said:
I am seriously disappointed by some of the behaviour I'm seeing here.

There's nothing wrong with having and stating opinions, but can we at least be civil, please? Flame-wars aren't productive, and let's be honest, who honestly wants them here?
You know me P., I've had disagreements with you, and I never step over the line and disrespect anyone. But if someone wants to paint a picture of me that they think is true, I will show them how wrong they are!


Edit:And by the way, I still think GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL
Indeed, I know that. However, I'm afraid that right now it's ending up looking like you're trying to prove the picture accurate instead, and you are definitely stepping over the line at this particular moment. It might be a good idea to step away from the forum and take a deep breath and/or play some video games, right about now.

As I said, I've nothing against differing opinions if stated civilly, but it looks like this has gone beyond being civil and respectful at this point. Don't make me lock the thread or whatever else I might have to be doing. :P
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sebt3 said:
jumpman said:
Edit:And by the way, I still think GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL
I had great respect for you un til now : you realy have crossed the lines here....

EDIT: I mean : saying somethis like that once is stating your opinion, saying it that much is diffamation.
Well, guess what? I had my character called into question, and when you do that, you get what you got! This all started with comments back and forth between me, and Blue Protoman. Now if you have a problem with those 2 post, and my "GPH SUCKS ASS" Comment directed towards him, and the post we made, then you know what? We now have a problem.

lorgy77 was out of line, and my good name has been defamed. So I don't give a damn who may or may not have a problem with my post. You come at me with a rock, I come back at you with a big stick! PERIOD! So if everyone here thinks its OK to call someone an asslicker, then I have a problem with everyone here. So please, keep telling me I'm out of line. I will show you what out of line is.


Edit:And by the way, GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL
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[quote name='jumpman' date='21 June 2011 - 08:26 PM' timestamp='1308705975'
lorgy77 was out of line, and my good name has been defamed.

Edit:And by the way, GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL

Well ummm.. your name is jumpman and his name is lorgy77 and I gotta say I don't think too much thought or originality went into either. Is anybody really taking this seriously...?

DisgruntleElf said:
[quote name='jumpman' date='21 June 2011 - 08:26 PM' timestamp='1308705975'
lorgy77 was out of line, and my good name has been defamed.

Edit:And by the way, GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL

Well ummm.. your name is jumpman and his name is lorgy77 and I gotta say I don't think too much thought or originality went into either. Is anybody really taking this seriously...?

Yeah, someone should take it seriously when someone calls someone an asslicker for stating an opinion. But guess what, no one did, so now I'm going to give someone a reason for calling me an asslicker. GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL

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jumpman said:
DisgruntleElf said:
[quote name='jumpman' date='21 June 2011 - 08:26 PM' timestamp='1308705975'
lorgy77 was out of line, and my good name has been defamed.

Edit:And by the way, GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL

Well ummm.. your name is jumpman and his name is lorgy77 and I gotta say I don't think too much thought or originality went into either. Is anybody really taking this seriously...?

Yeah, someone should take it seriously when someone calls someone an asslicker for stating an opinion. But guess what, no one did, so now I'm going to give someone a reason for calling me an asslicker. GPH SUCKS ASS! LOL


Opps. Sorry don't know how those quotes got screwed up like that. Wasn't intentional.
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Line O said:
Please stop.

I agree. It would be nice if everyone would stop acting so childishly.
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I'm very sorry so many would be friends and acquaintances here in in this forum found my behavior to be so childish.

I am also very sorry that a comment made in jest(which I do find to be personally true), was interpreted as asslicking and trolling by someone who from his first post showed his personally agenda of not wanting someone elses behaviors in these forums.

I am very sorry to see so many people who I held in a high personal regard do nothing when name calling is brought into to play.

I am also very sorry that whomever mods these boards finds that acceptible.

So I hope everyone here who didn't have a problem, will be called an asslicking troll today. I also hope you all sit on your hands and except that as OK behavior. I also hope anyone here who use "LOL" or " :lol: " at the end of a comment, is also called names, and I also hope your character and intentions on this board are also called into question.

As for me, if someone else feels the need to call me names, when I am making a light comment in the Pandora forums where I have posted kindly and respectivly for years. Please know this, I will delivery both barrels to anyone who thinks that is OK. If a mod will not do his or her job, I will.

So Thank You for all the support, it is greatly appreciated! :angry:

I did do my job - I asked that you both cut it out and be civil. I then trusted, as I always do, that cooler heads might prevail once people had stepped back from it.

My apologies that you do not find it acceptable that I (at least, and possibly the other moderators as well) trusted all parties to behave like adults after being asked to be civil.
While not knowing You Jumpman or Lorgy personally (having seen both of your names over the last 2 years a lot)
I read an understood your anger. While I fail to see how your posts are really doing anything to upset him, I figured
I'd show a bit of support for you being called an asslicker by repeating the "sucks ass" comment. But damn me I used
a :lol: behind it cause frankly this whole thread really does suck ass, what with Pleng's feelings about his Pandora
and the fight you are having. Now you are saying I should have names thrown at me for using the smiley.
So fine, I will do the adult thing and say " Damn, what an ass that Poem58 is for trying to make Jumpman feel better."
That was such an asslicking thing to do. Thanks for the support for your support. I know what it's like to have people
take what you say and make an issue of it. Everywhere I go people keep attacking people for things, regardless of what they
say. You don't think you're taking this too far now do you? So now away from these forums I go.
No forums left...
Ok, I think that's enough. Jumpman said something he thought was funny, lorgy took it seriously, Jumpman retaliated against perceived insult, it eventually came to light that lorgy had misunderstood. At that point in time there should have been some apologies, some laughs about internet (mis)communication, and everyone moves on. Instead you continued to bicker like children, even after Prometheus pointed out that you weren't behaving in a very civil matter.
There is no shame in misunderstanding someone, especially on the internet; no reason that this should have escalated the way it did. I'm closing this, but maybe next time a misunderstanding comes up (and they will) you can all act a little more civil in recognizing the mistake and working to correct it.
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