What have you bought recently?

My Amiga A600 actually came in and it's real not just a few bricks in a box as I feared it would be.

So now to buy New replacement capacitors, picopsu power supply to mod the old power supply to something more trust worthy, More liquid flux for the soldering needed, a Gotek Floppy Emulator, Video to SVGA adapter, 44 pin IDE to CF reader... This Drinking mishap is getting expensive.
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Some Games for the Playstation Vita:
Dragonquest Builders
World of Final Fantasy
God Eater 2 Rage Burst
And Death Nation + Road to Devastation
And Urban Trials Freestyle

And a new Wristband for the G-Shock of my dad
As he got this G-Shock some time ago from me and it's not the newest one..

Today I want to buy some stuff,
A Blueray Player and a James Bond BD Box for my Parents whit every James Bond Movie expect the Daniel Craig ones..
mybe i will find some other nice films for it,..
Finally some new boots which are broad enough for my hobbit feet in addition to water proof and all the other things my old boots have ceased to be a long time ago.
I've purchased a new pair of boots.


Unfortunately my current pair of boots have started to come apart. I've re-glued them but I'm not sure how long my DIY job will last, so I thought it would be best to buy another pair.
Boots are two things I don't skimp on. I try to stick with high quality work boots (made out of the skin of some of the type of animals I consume, and indirectly enslave and drink fluids that are harvested from). I don't recall ever having issues with the soles, however I usually go for something that can be resoled. I haven't bought new boots in many years.

I recently bought a new notebook. I plan to write maddening, infernal things in it. Or notes about a handful of ideas, as the stories would probably benefit from a word processor while I flesh them out. Some of the ideas that will haunt you while you try to sleep, though, will be in it. Probably. Maybe.
(made out of the skin of some of the type of animals I consume, and indirectly enslave and drink fluids that are harvested from).

I prefer human leather too.

On the topic of human leather, one thing that's on my wishlist (not that i'm ever likely to lay eyes on it) is the Gein family bible.
Some people just don't appreciate long pig. If more people embraced it as a resource we could solve some of the problems that have been developing, such as those related to food shortages, and I feel it is responsible to use the entire animal, regardless of what it is. Plus there are some interesting pictures on some of the pelts. ;)
Wherewolves are a lost claws, vampires suck, ... indulging in horror is a self.deaf.eating source of nourishment...

Creating or being a nightmare is easy. It's the easy way out... there's so much escalaing material.. and all the exclusive cool sexy people in natty threads are into it.
And who doesn't want to think of themselves as a sexy force to be reconned with?

Want to know what's really hard to do?

Oh no one s listening. .. fine... you all go and be your sexy hotness.

I'll just sit in the corner here with my non-sexual rainbows blowing raspberries at you lot.
Confusing people.
But not on purpose. People are just confused. .. not my fault. What a silly universe.

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An Sony Blueray /DVD Player,
The James Bond Collection whit all 24 Movies including Spectre on Blueray, a Blueray Box whit all 3 "The Transporter" Movies whit Jason Stetham
And a Box whit all 4 Tribute from Panem Movies..
A Bearth Trimmer, and 2 Magazines :Oldtimer Traktor and PM Questions and Answers..
Got a silicone sleeve for my PS Vita since I tend to put it on scratchy surfaces (my apartment is a dangerous place for shiny devices). The quality is surprisingly good :) Dust sticks to it easily, but since I clean all my touch screen devices (and their cases/sleeves) once a week anyway, it's no big issue :D
I like your movie choice!

Something something Hunger Games?

Yes, Hunger Games, I road the books some yeahrs ago and there where quite good, so I decide to get me the blue rays..

I ditnt use my TV much the last yeahrs, I was more in reading and Handheld gaming, but as the Mini NES and the Nintendo Switch is going to release soon, I think I will change my preferences..
Yes, Hunger Games, I road the books some yeahrs ago and there where quite good, so I decide to get me the blue rays..

I ditnt use my TV much the last yeahrs, I was more in reading and Handheld gaming, but as the Mini NES and the Nintendo Switch is going to release soon, I think I will change my preferences..
I've got the audio books from a humble bundle and they were/are extremely good.
From what I've gathered, the movies completely ignore the core problems the books deal with but I haven't seen them yet.

From left to right, half a packet of chocolate coated orange slices (the other packet and a half has mysteriously disappeared ;)), fruit + nut chocolate chunks and a salted caramel chocolate bar.

I'm still thinking of a sexy pose for the skeleton, so here's a book that dropped through my letterbox yesterday while I was out.



Bonus links:

From what I've gathered, the movies completely ignore the core problems the books deal with but I haven't seen them yet.
Partially they do, but it gets less and less with the part number going up, the last three weren't that good in my opinion.

on the subject; plane titcket to Paris and back (plane took off to Paris at 6:55 am and took off from Paris at 8:40 pm). Didn't see much of the city though, just RER stations, the Metro and a co-working space. But I was pretty impressed by the main building (Terminal 1) of "Charles de Gaulle" airport - that thing breathes late 60s/early70s futuristic architecture
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Unsupervised visit to the game store...


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