What Game Did You Play Last?

spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 13 2005 at 11:05 PM said:
how is reesy doing putting his z80 engine thingie into Mame???

that should bring the clockspeed down a bit!

sPaCe :ph34r:

I don`t think he even started it yet. ;)

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trooper posted on Mar 13 2005 at 10:09 PM said:
spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 13 2005 at 11:05 PM said:
how is reesy doing putting his z80 engine thingie into Mame???

that should bring the clockspeed down a bit!

sPaCe  :ph34r:

I don`t think he even started it yet. ;)


cant be mad though - new beta 7 of drMD - yay!

as of ten minutes ago the last thing I played was Sonic - THE best emulation of it I have ever played!


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As a newbie-everything! So many roms, so little time!

But, SM3, and Phantasy4, and Wimbledon tennis thingy on DRMD-very good tennis sim!!!

About to try a new DRmD beta.... :D
Last thing I played was the Atari ST version of Oh No More Lemmings using the Steem emulator on PC about an hour ago.

Last thing I played on my GP32 was some Mame games I was trying out.

Am about to try out DrMD beat 7 though.
GP32 - SNK vs. Capcom match of the millenium (neogp32) (is anyone working on a better NGPC emu? being able to save would be incredible)
ps1 - wwf:in your house (my friend bought a chipped ps1 w/ a load of copied games for £15 at a car boot,so we were testing all the discs)
ps2 - dynasty warriors 3
dreamcast - shenmue
Hi. Now playing:

GP32: (i'm a newbie, 3 weeks old gp32 owner)
- Doom v10: Doom 1 Shareware (the best episode in the whole Doom series imo).
Playing with calm, trying to get 100% on ultra-violence.
- FZX32: Sabre Wulf (just finished, yesterday)
- FMSX32: La Abadía del Crimen. A gorgeous 8 bit pc era game. Try it, in case you haven't ...

- Metroid Prime (yes, I know, I am always "late". It's cheaper.)

- Castlevania HOD (half-way)

GB PLayer:
- Replaying Metroid Fusion on the GB Player. Just to admire the beauty of this game on my tv.

stalker posted on Mar 14 2005 at 12:23 PM said:
GB PLayer:
- Replaying Metroid Fusion on the GB Player. Just to admire the beauty of this game on my tv.

I`m thinking of getting one of these, too, for the same reason, to get the old Super Metroid feeling back on TV (the GBA series are really great!)
If only they put it back into the stars catalog thingy...
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spaceboygp32x posted on Mar 13 2005 at 01:25 AM said:
Lady Killer 1.0

put it on my smc to try out - half an hour later!

I think this is an excellent game an arcade port I believe - well designed, interesting, with kewl animation :)

love it - although its not finished (no sound) the latest version has all bugs fixed and plays a very nice game indeed...

its like qix - you dive under pieces of a puzzle to reveal a scantily clad anime babe :o whilst collecting power ups etc and avoiding bad guys B)

very simple - easy to pick up - hard to put down - a gp32_console classic in the making! :ph34r:

It makes me very happy to know that people like my work :)

By the way, I would like to add that Lady Killer is not a port but a remake because I don't have the source code of the original game, it is written from scratch :P

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GP32: Paraball (Slime Volleyball Clone)
GBA: THPS2, GT Advance 3
GCN: Need For Speed Underground 2, THUG2
PS2: Burnout 3 (THE GREATEST ARCADE RACING GAME EVER MADE) I now have to go steal my friends PS2 to play it!
Xbox: Amped 2
Mac: Marathon II (Hell, that was forever ago!)
N64: 1080 Snowboarding, THPS2
PSX: Jet Moto 2
SNES: Tom and Jerry
Genesis: X-men
C64: can't remember.. probably Omega Race or Jumpman :lol:

hmm.. did I miss anything?

EDIT: Oh I did miss something

DS: Feel The Magic
Man, I dusted off my Sega genesis today... And relived some excellent memories... B)
I played golden axe, got to the end and got my ass kicked by the death adder. Then i played through again and beat it for the first time ever!! :D (I usually just end up getting to death adder and dying)
Then I played about halfway through streets of rage..( I'll continue my game tommorow)
Man I love beat-emups!
Why did they have to die? :(
The last game I played on my GP32 was probably Zelda OOA on GPvsGB. I haven't played on my GP32 for nearly a year now mind.

The last non GP32 game I played was World of Warcraft. Six hours worth yesterday.
look posted on Mar 13 2005 at 02:04 AM said:
Azure posted on Mar 13 2005 at 07:42 AM said:
look posted on Mar 13 2005 at 12:39 AM said:
Azure posted on Mar 13 2005 at 06:35 AM said:
Quiest posted on Mar 12 2005 at 06:00 PM said:
Polarium on my new DS :D

Rico posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:05 PM said:
Fallout 2 on PC. Level 4 with APA and jackhammers. Speech skill / intelligence owns.
I think its supposed to be GP32 only.

For me, it would be Lacuna; very fine game with awesome music.

Don't be such a fascist.

It didnt mention anywhere that this was system specific.
General talk
General discussion about GP32.

In that case your comments are off topic too.

You should have posted in the "I'm a winging old granny" section

You didnt even mention a game

Rabbits with hats just reminded me that I need to play Pinball Dreams again (Haven't played that game in AGES) :)
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onionfrog posted on Mar 15 2005 at 02:54 AM said:
Man I love beat-emups!
Why did they have to die? :(

Viewtiful Joe on the GC is a 2d beat'em up and its really, really good.
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1942 ... MAME.

I just now found out about the freezing bug after finishing the first level. :(
c0ncept posted on Mar 16 2005 at 02:20 AM said:
onionfrog posted on Mar 15 2005 at 02:54 AM said:
Man I love beat-emups!
Why did they have to die? :(

Viewtiful Joe on the GC is a 2d beat'em up and its really, really good.

very good - for ps2 too - nice cell shading

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