What Color Is Pandora Going To Be?

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Still Fresh
Aug 2, 2008
I want to know becuase my Bro and I are boths planing for a pandora, but dont want to have the same color as eachother

I could Paint mine, But I want to keep my warrenty To make sure everything is still ok

:pandora2: :pandora1:
The color will only be black at launch. Maybe other colors later on though nothing has really been stated.

You should have used seach button before this or checked the faq.
I want to know becuase my Bro and I are boths planing for a pandora, but dont want to have the same color as eachother

I could Paint mine, But I want to keep my warrenty To make sure everything is still ok

:pandora2: :pandora1:

you wont break the warranty unless the mod you created or did actually breaks the pandora.
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yea, the FAQ section of the wiki answers this, it will be purely black at launch.

EDIT: off topic, how long is the warranty on a pandora?
Hm, Well then I will Paint my pandora, maybe I will just take off the top lid And paint It purple (my fav color)
Like the reed and black ds, just With pandora instead and purple!

IDk how long the warrenty is either
CronoTriggerfan said:
If your brother is younger, you could always jus convince him that he doesn't need Pandora and that Wiz would suit his needs. :lol:
lol evil :P.

I would just suggest take an easy approach and just put a big sticker on your one or your brothers so you can tell the two appart.

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Theone said:
yea, the FAQ section of the wiki answers this, it will be purely black at launch.

EDIT: off topic, how long is the warranty on a pandora?
the warranty would be at least the same as you would expect from any other device - it lasts for one year from the date of purchase, and if you get a faulty unit, it will be repaired/replaced during that time.
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