What Can Make The Gp32 Even Better?

It could have became a very valid thread if only Vimacs hadn't of come along and trolled it. He has a habit of doing that. :P
Quiest posted on Jul 2 2005 at 09:33 PM said:
Dryer Lint posted on Jul 2 2005 at 07:43 PM said:
Quiest posted on Jul 2 2005 at 07:24 PM said:
5. hookers

6. blackjack

7. strip-blackjack with pictures of hookers (hmmmmm....)

8. possibility to watch Futurama episodes on it...

...wait... it's possible already! All hail the GP32 :D


I think I pause my minigamecoding and make a stripblackjack game...
yey :D
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one thing that would definitley improve the gp32 would be a tv tuner. It has the perfect big screen for a lurrrrvely picture. Oh yeah, and how about a range of knitware to keep your prized handheld warm on those cold winter nights. :P
Blah posted on Jul 3 2005 at 02:37 AM said:
Its an unreleased (non-existant?) update of this homebrew game: TANDA in BAMBOO MADNESS - version ADIC 2004 v0.1c

onionfrog posted on Jul 3 2005 at 03:06 AM said:
Tanda rocks.. I hope to see an update eventually...
But yeah, F-day will make the gp32 better.. :D

Thanks Onionfrog!
We are working hard to make it as good as possible.
We hope to make the GP32 seriously better! :D
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Vimacs posted on Jul 2 2005 at 05:49 PM said:
too many curries posted on Jul 2 2005 at 07:44 PM said:
@Vimacs, another thing...... If u got a problem with my post i recommend u print it out onto sandpaper, roll it up and push it up your brown hole
enugh shitt in there, dont need to put in even more shitt :-)

LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Just bought a GP32 yesterday from work, so with my staff discount it was £40 :D...back of the net. Anyway just after a bit of help/advice, iv put gpcine2 on it which plays divx and xvid but at the moment its still restricted to 3 letter file extensions. Was wondering if there was a way around this as i need some portable Family Guy fun
You have to encode your movies to .avi format using various tools, search the board for more info.

.rm/.divx/.mpg4 or whatever these extensions are won`t work ;)