What Brand Smc Is The Best?

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I was just having a bit of trouble with my 128MB SanDisk SMC; CRC errors while accessing it via my cheap-ass card reader, then it couldnt load any NES roms, then the GP32 doesn't read the card ... so I reformatted it (again...) now seems to be working fine (for the moment ... ) I guess it's just a bad SMC, but was just wondering if there is the definitive brand of SMC that is better than the rest. Thanks

gp32_console <-- Best. Emoticon. EVER!
No Idea... All the SMCs I have were Cheap ones and they work perfectly... maybe its your cheap SMC Reader / writer... hhmmmm...
I have Dane-Elec cards (two 128MB cards) and it says on the package that they have a 10 (!) year warranty, so that's good at least. Also Kingston (or something like that) is a good brand, bit pricy though... I paid 29 euro's for both my 128MB cards btw
not sure if its true but i heard on this board that only samsung and fuji actually manufacture them. so whichever brand you buy its made by one of these companys.

when the smc is in your card reader conected to your pc scan it for errors like a disc this may reveal bad sectors.as a last resort try formating the card using the gamepark pc link software that came with the gp
I have some SanDisks and never had problems...
You should return them as they have a lifetime guarantee :)
It may not be that easy to prove the failure. I have had similar problems with my 128MB Apacer, which often crashes in all emulators by Rlyeh, apart of that it works more or less fine. On the other hand, I have two Olympus cards: 64MB and 8MB and both work like a charm, so I would go for Olympus if I were you (despite the higher price - almost twice as much as Apacer).
I have a viking card and a fuji card.
I am now saving up for a flue even though I have only had (and half broken) my flu for about a week and a half.
Sucks... you shoulda been more careful. I'm such a neatfreak that when i first got mine, i kept it in it's carrying case 24/7. It was like... my preciousssss... :lol:

Anyways i think it's best to buy good brand 128mb smcs in the beginning. Crappy ones tend to break easily.