What are ou looking foward to....


Dec 29, 2003
You guys what game are you most looking foward to....

1.Counter strike --condition zero
2.Doom III
3.Halo 2 pc
3.Halo 2 xbox
4.Half-Life 2
5.Haff life 2d
6.Splinter cell 2: Pandora Tommorow

Me my self if t had to be one which is a hard question....halo2 XBOX
halo on pc for some reaon it plays too laggy on my pc even though my PC is like 3ghz 1gb ddr ram 128 mb graphics

- Kingdom Hearts 2
- Half-life 2 (XBOX)
- Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
- Counter Strike (XBOX)
- Fable
- The Sims 2
- Doom III
- MGS: Twin Snakes & MGS: Snake Eater
- Final Fantasy XII (NOT x-2...it is a good game though :P )
- HALO 2
- Sudeki (XBOX)


- Spiderman 2
- Star Wars Episode 3

some more that I cant think of right now :D

2004 is gonna be a good year

PSP too

...and hopefully we will get another starfox game (thats NOT on foot like adventures). Like the N64 Version - GREAT GAME
To be honest im not liking any of the current games in development, the only thing that seems good is doom 3's graphics.. other than that its all been done before, i say bring on soldier of fortune 3 mp!! :D
MGS: twin snakes
MGS: snake eater
100% snes emu on gp32

and i gonna get an xbox soon because i just got 300$ for christmas and xbox is actually going to be worth the money this year.
You guys what game are you most looking foward to....

1.Counter strike --condition zero
2.Doom III
3.Halo 2 pc
3.Halo 2 xbox
4.Half-Life 2
5.Haff life 2d
6.Splinter cell 2: Pandora Tommorow

Me my self if t had to be one which is a hard question....halo2 XBOX
halo on pc for some reaon it plays too laggy on my pc even though my PC is like 3ghz 1gb ddr ram 128 mb graphics
why didn't u put this in a poll?
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Newbie here.

-The Punisher
-Spiderman 2

-007 everything or nothing
-Spiderman 2
soldier of fortune what a sick game! i mean shooting soldiers in the crouch is just sick and wrong! :angry:
stress relief my friend /what an idiot! :blink:
c'mon I was only joking. Anyway I think the gore in Soldier of fortune is used sensibly to depict real combat and therefore I quite enjoy the games for the realism. If you were complaining about carmageddon then I would appreciate your point.
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