Yes, you could emulate Genesis level FM synth, but it'd take every last CPU cycle and all of your RAM to actually be competitive. I know this because that's what it takes to emulate FM for the emulator jEnesisDS, which uses a 33MHz ARM7 (which is much better than the DSP in the Jaguar).
I've not used the ARM7, so I can't comment on the suitability of that architecture. I have written an emulator for the MD sound chip, though, and the fundamental ops really are rather simple and I think would be very suited to implementation on the Jaguar chip. Sinewave generation is two adds and a sine table lookup (from the onchip ROM on the Jaguar DSP); attenuation is another add and a couple of ops to handle the envelope; clamp, sum and lookup the log table. You have enough regs to run operators from 3 channels in parallel, so you're not going to get many pipeline stalls.
RAM isn't a huge issue either. You can get by with 128 entries in the log table, and only a couple of frac bits are needed at most.
I reckon 25-30 cycles per operator, which with 24 ops would leave you around 25% of your cycles free if you matched the MD YM2612's 35-ish kHz, and about 50% if you did 22kHz. Of course, it's always dangerous to predict performance based on an architecture I've not exactly written a lot of code for, but I would bet a pint on it.
I'm going to hazard a guess that games with low end mod players like T2K aren't using the DSP to do other things, and for good reason (aside from that it'd be a pain to do). You don't exactly have a wealth of space to do whatever you want.
Yeah, it's not. Two channels of panned variable-frequency SFX. Like I said, though, it's 80% plus idle.
But the point I was trying to make was that if you want good audio in a Jaguar game you're not going to have a bunch of power left over to utilize the DSP for other things
No arguments there.
Also, certainly, you can use the ROM wavetables in games, but don't you think that'd get old pretty fast?
Depends how imaginative your sound guys are and if they are going to build their own patches. So, you're probably right there

I think history has proven otherwise regarding DSPs vs dedicated audio, or at least for many consoles that post-dated the Jaguar, with only N64 and GBA springing to mind as counter-examples
I'm surprised about this statement. My understanding was that as well as the N64 at least the Xbox, PS3 and 360 were primarily softsynths, and I'd be really astonished if anyone did anything else now you can just stream MP3 for music.
So does it really matter? Unfortunately, the result of that flexibility in Jaguar's DSP was a console that could vaguely compete with SNES and Genesis in the audio department, but that was about it. On Saturn you didn't have to waste one of the SH2's for audio (or the 68k, or even the audio DSP for that matter), and that was really where the bottom line went in computational power, because you could very easily do a game with excellent non-streaming music and have all of your CPU resources available.