What About Patents?

SONY said:
zevdawg said:
SONY said:
Protected or unprotected...The CHINESE will rip ANYTHING OFF!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Can't raep the willing (Walmart's a good example). Study a little, that wasn't a quickwitted comment.

Everything's made in China, so it's not surprising that some company would take the steps to do this... I think even the "big factories" in China have smaller operations going on.

It's likely that even the smallest devices will be copied.
They've been doing it since the 80's (or that's when it was majorly exposed), so this would be shocking/surprising how??
WTF are you trying to tell me, because I don't remember being surprised at all this.

The whole post wasn't pointed at you, just part of it (the first line of my post only... cause it "sounded wrong" so I had to use some dry humour there) :P
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WizardStan said:
Well, you have to dispose of it somehow after this

After seeing this I have mixed feelings.

On the one hand it makes me sad to see such a waste of resources while other people have hardly anything to eat and live.

On the other hand its the most useful purpose I have seen yet for an iPad.

So I guess the real misery is acutally not trashing it but producing it in the first place...ah...now I feel better.
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The best way to prevent copies is to ensure that no one factory ever has all the bits - ie use different suppliers and assemble yourself.

This is because a large number of the copies aren't done from scratch - rather the same factory makes 'extra' units or components.

By design or otherwise, thats pretty much what has happened. Doesn't stop someone creating a copy from scratch, but thats a lot more work than already having some/all of the parts.

PS As to whether copies are ever better than the original... Apple would probably claim that those HTC android phones are copies of the iphone, and quite a few would suggest they are better than the original. :ph34r:
IMO, if there were a Chinese rip off of Pandora, that would be a sign that the Pandora was selling incredibly well.
WizardStan said:
Seriously, it always amazes me when someone says (in the comments of one of the many reports on the Pandora) something along the lines of "it's only a matter of time before the Chinese get the specs, improve upon it, and sell it for cheaper." To which I respond "name one clone that is in any way superior to the original."
I'm still waiting for a response.
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WizardStan said:
Seriously, it always amazes me when someone says (in the comments of one of the many reports on the Pandora) something along the lines of "it's only a matter of time before the Chinese get the specs, improve upon it, and sell it for cheaper." To which I respond "name one clone that is in any way superior to the original."
I'm still waiting for a response.

- Except for the battery.. whats the problem?
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WizardStan said:
Seriously, it always amazes me when someone says (in the comments of one of the many reports on the Pandora) something along the lines of "it's only a matter of time before the Chinese get the specs, improve upon it, and sell it for cheaper." To which I respond "name one clone that is in any way superior to the original."
I'm still waiting for a response.
Some action figure rip-offs are just as good as their originals. (Yes, Yes, I know that some of them are horrible. I don't need links or photographs, thanks.)

Some knock-off (or "counterfeit") electronics are perfectly usable as well. iPhone knock-offs are pretty popular. And so are knock-offs of simpler phones, mp3-players, fancy watches, etc. They may have inferior batteries or CPUs for example, but they might also have additional features (ie: They've been "improved upon.").

And to be fair, you don't know if a perfectly usable "generic brand" product has rip-off components. Is the circuit board in my generic brand waffle iron ripped off from the GE waffle iron? I'd never know, but it makes good waffles.

craigix said:
I'd buy a fake one too.
I'm hoping for one with nubs molded right into the case. Maybe keys too.
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hum, I really hope you patented the "2Months[sup]TM[/sup] "
VRAndy said:
craigix said:
I'd buy a fake one too.
I'm hoping for one with nubs molded right into the case. Maybe keys too.
And instead of playing games or doing computing tasks, it would squirt water when you pressed down on the d-pad or the single piece of plastic that represents the action buttons.

Much like the real Pandora being a bit of a return to those old gaming and computing times, the fake would be a return of those prank items that looked like LCD games. :D
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Prometheus said:
And instead of playing games or doing computing tasks, it would squirt water when you pressed down on the d-pad or the single piece of plastic that represents the action buttons.
I want one that shocks you when you pick it up.
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Kangal said:
Ha lol
I get he's worried that all of OP's blood sweat tears could literally be washed down the drain.
But have a look at those KIRFs. They have sloppy hardware and always put "Dual SIM and analog TV tuners".
I don't think they'd nail it unlike iPad copies with Android.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Maybe we should start a Pandora tablet? With nubs?


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Buzzer and squirter Pandoras are funnier than I thought. ;) Of course this device is still a super niche item with a hopefully near release. I wouldnt expect a knockoff to surpass the official model. Its something I was wondering about a few years down the road. I wouldn't want an unfortunate surprise.
SoleGrave said:
I wouldn't want an unfortunate surprise.
Or a sweet surprise where the Pandora is Awesome but a 12x as good knockoff comes along. :P
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KRH said:
SoleGrave said:
I wouldn't want an unfortunate surprise.
Or a sweet surprise where the Pandora is Awesome but a 12x as good knockoff comes along. :P
12x as good

3gb ram
24 sd card slots
48,000 mah battery
54in display

Surprise indeed
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I could have sworn reading that they patented something related to the technology in the nubs. Of course, I could just be crazy and that was all in my head.
jb0yx said:
KRH said:
SoleGrave said:
I wouldn't want an unfortunate surprise.
Or a sweet surprise where the Pandora is Awesome but a 12x as good knockoff comes along. :P
12x as good

3gb ram
24 sd card slots
48,000 mah battery
54in display

Surprise indeed
Hmm.... It that 12x as good, or 12[sup]5[/sup]x as good? (As it's 12x as good in five separate ways.)
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