I don't post much, but I feel I need to say something. I would first like to show my gratitude to all those DONATING their own valuable time, in the service of advancing the GP2X and it's community. With that out of the way I will offer my opinion on the development of Open2x. There is nothing wrong with offering your own "look forward toos" and "must-have's" to a project of this scope. I'm not singling anybody out, don't get pissed or angry and fly off the cuff... but tone the level of software entitlement down a tad. Remember we should actively encourage these folks and their own effort, not barrage them with what we think must be done, or beat on another projects inherent limitations. Remember that both GMenu2x and GP2XMB are still in their infancy, expect rather important changes in both projects with time. Hell one day the same folks who believe that GMenu2x is the obvious winner over GP2XMB might change their own tune if a ton of remarkable features are integrated into it, remember the aim of GP2XMB is the eventually surpass the original on the PSP. GMenu2x is awesome too, and if your grade of usability is graded on the least clicks, your probably going to go with GMenu2x as your preference (I do at least).
I deal with Apple hardware daily, and I actually enjoy the built in packet manager/application directory layout, BUT... BUT it wouldn't suit my personal needs. Far from it, the main reason I have my GP2X to begin with is a portable system that I control... NOT Nintendo, NOT SONY, and not some other schmo that thinks he knows what I want. It's really nice being able to place files in the manner I see fit, and arrange them on their given purpose/status on MY SD card. Given that though a Packet Manger would be nice, if an option to turn off it's functionality (in a easy to program method) is present. Their are many other projects that also extend the capabilities of our GP2X's, but like many of us know many of these aren't rock solid releases of code. Bug's are dealt with around here pretty constantly but just because it might do some stuff better then good ol'e GPH's firmware versions, does NOT mean they need/should be automatically integrated into the Open2x project. We are not entitled to what we often receive in this community, these remarkable projects are gift's to all of us, so please thank them and if you can donate to these people . Just let's all give them coders a break and stop being whiny.
Rant on me if you want, I would expect criticism but just leave the coder's to their life and not make their hobby any more stressful. Thank you. By the way if you don't fall under any of the latter, don't listen to me... go about your life!
PS: Keep rockin' the Casbah, all the work is appreciated