We've come a long way, baby.

Thankfully there are some clever people making things like this: http://www.megaprocessor.com/


Those costs though:
Sounds like it would be a whole lot easier to walk around it in VR. Cheaper too.

Have to agree with Klumpen, though I do I think that there is definitely an application for that, especially in an academic setting. But I would personally rather see the thing in reality and get a grasp of the concepts IRL before entering another layer of abstraction.

I've been thinking about finding one of those old Heathkit Micro-processor boards to try and get lower level.
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About the video, can someone explain what's happening on the WITCH when you "just push the button" ? I can't understand what the man is saying. Thanks :)
My memory's fuzzy, but pushing the button (in the mode he had set it to) initiated a sequence step. Which if I recall correctly I think in that particular moment the computer was adding two registers together and putting it in the accumulator?

I may be mistaken. My footage is all over the place because my phone was almost out of space and I was so excited I wasn't thinking about the video I would make of it.