Western Doom


Still Fresh
Jun 12, 2003
Can anyone get pass level 3 of Western Doom? There doesn't seem to be a door that can be opened or any hidden passages.
In the readme file for the western doom or somewhere I downloaded it...levels 2-8 I believe the levels are not meant to be completed and moved into. they are only meant for fun. I think the other levels can be completed. might be wrong though....but I did read that somewhere
sadly, only the first 2 levels of western doom work

there's a thread elsewhere from the porter.. apparently the later levels are either for deathmatch games/or he hasnt finished them yet

a real shame as it's one of the best but i've removed it from the gp now - 26mbs for 2 levels is a bit excessive...
Hey, has anyone noticed how hard the game actually is? It may just be me, cause I am not all that great at video games, but this was especially hard. I can't get anywhere after level one. There is so many people to shoot!!
Just use GP dooms level select option when you first load it up, try the last level for lots of fun :P
I read somewhere that levels 1-6 are just multiplayer levels for pc.If you use doomgp's options and start from level 7 the game can be played but is quite hard.
Don't know if this is right but It seems to work.Seems to me that this may be accidental and possibly caused by the wad editor used to build the wad. Perhaps the deathmatch levels have been numbered incorrectly.