Well, Wow, In A Few Months I'll Be 'off' For A Bit


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
The "Support" section seemed appropriate.....

I mention this because I'm one of the parents of the Pandora firmware and have spent much of my free time the last couple years working on things and trying to help with the community .. and have been around this forum for so many years now that I do think of so many of you guys as friends. I'll be busy on a 'new project' for awhile in a few months, so seems fair to let folks know :) (But its okay, everything is open source and theres slowly an increasing number of hands carrying the torch; the usual gang is still around :) We worked really hard on getting HF5 together, and HF6 alphas are around the corner, but it seems a good time for me to slow down a bit ;)

I'm (my wife rather) having twins! We've already got one little girl, but looks like a couple more (fraternal, no idea what flavour) are on the way in a few months! I'll be around as much as I can (and checking in on the forums and IRC while at work), but I'm sure to be a sleep deprived total mess for awhile come September!

Guess thats one way to force myself to chill a bit ;)

I expect to get a lot of use out of the Pandora at 4am in the coming months ;)

So if you happen to have noticed my post-volume decreased the last month or so, or why I'm selling off 50 arcade game mainboards ... now you know why ;) "Baby needs a new pair of shoes!" (and daddy needs a new pair of bottles of rum ;)


edit; no .. the childs name will not be Pandora ;) A boy could well be named (Captain) Morgan though ;)
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Congratulations, Jeff! :) Seriously, that's awesome.

And congratulations to PokeParadox, too. :)
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:) I will start a similar project, although in my case for the first time... Little boy due end of June!

Hi-5 dude :) The first is hard, just to get used to the psychology of it all .. the big 'wham!' to your life. Number 2+3 is _just easy sauce right?_ right?

Congrats man! Dealing with 1 newborn is enough to slow even the most active of people to an exhausted crawl. With twins, you'll be lucky to have enough energy to care about the Pandora at 4AM. As you know, Every 5 minutes of silence is a nap break.

Thanks for all you have done and if you have any moments in the first year to yourself, use them wisely. In other words, don't worry about us. Someone I'm sure will step up, you are going to need your rest.

Also (note for Poke Paradox and all new parents), don't forget to take some time to just sit back and stare at those beautiful sleeping wonders, they will grow up to screaming and sassing toddlers before you know it. Enjoy the cuteness while it lasts.

Our son is going through a stage of belligerence, yet still there's nothing so cool as to look at that little person and realize he's a part of you, yet a completely unique individual. A wonderful thing. Children are the ultimate gadget. They never become outdated and with all God's graces will outlast you. But Oh, how much is costs to upgrade them! LOL
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Awesome, congratulations :D

Quite a lot of my friends are getting children now... now I'm feeling even older :D
Congratulations to both you guys! And skeezix, thank you for your contributions and enjoy your time off!
muhahahahahaha so what youre saying is by the time pandora 2 comes out you will have trained 2 new mini skeezix's to work on it, what great news! congrats to you and pokeparadox, my nephew was just born in december, awesome!
Congrats skeezix! Don't forget to ready enough gamepads. ;)

By the way, are there pacifiers with joystick style?

Quite a lot of my friends are getting children now... now I'm feeling even older :D
Hurry up, it's time to set the fen on fire.^^
Congratulations Skeezix and PokeParadox.

Got 2 girls (6 and 1), second is definitely easier.... less fear of breaking them.

But twins, those parents get those far away look :)

Seriously though congratulations and good luck to you.
That's amazing news. Congratulations to you both :)

We had boy girl twins as our first which was something of a shock, as no family history of it at all and we found out on April Fools Day no less, with them due on Halloween. So we were expecting the Antichrists, as the only names they kicked at were Damien and Tegan when mentioned in jest. They have been a blessing though and are little video game maestros to boot. Now we have 3 more, the latest Jan 15th. Sleep is a distant memory, I have that distant look and no play makes me a very dull boy :)
Congratz, skeezix! Good Luck!

Thanks for all your hard work! We'll see you around!

...tho you scared me, man, I read the thread title, and I thought it was a suicide note...It's sad that I thought that. Don't take it the wrong way!! And sorry I did think that :p .

:) I will start a similar project, although in my case for the first time... Little boy due end of June!

Hi-5 dude :) The first is hard, just to get used to the psychology of it all .. the big 'wham!' to your life. Number 2+3 is _just easy sauce right?_ right?


*Does cheesy slo-mo hi5 jump in the air!*

And yes it's easy after the first obviously... :p

But sincerely, congrats and good luck man :)

Also thanks to several below, kinda excited mostly terrified, but life is kinda like that so... let's do this! :)
Congratulations Jeff, and to PokeParadox as well.

So if you happen to have noticed my post-volume decreased the last month or so, or why I'm selling off 50 arcade game mainboards ... now you know why ;) "Baby needs a new pair of shoes!" (and daddy needs a new pair of bottles of rum ;)
But, but...what will you do when your baby needs 50 arcade mainboards? Why won't anybody think of the children anymore? :p