Well, Wow, In A Few Months I'll Be 'off' For A Bit


Internal Development
The "I need help" section seemed appropriate.....

I mention this because I'm one of the parents of the Pandora firmware and have spent much of my free time the last couple years working on things and trying to help with the community .. and have been around this forum for so many years now that I do think of so many of you guys as friends. I'll be busy on a 'new project' for awhile in a few months, so seems fair to let folks know :) (But its okay, everything is open source and theres slowly an increasing number of hands carrying the torch; the usual gang is still around :) We worked really hard on getting HF5 together, and HF6 alphas are around the corner, but it seems a good time for me to slow down a bit ;)

I'm (my wife rather) having twins! We've already got one little girl, but looks like a couple more (fraternal, no idea what flavour) are on the way in a few months! I'll be around as much as I can (and checking in on the forums and IRC while at work), but I'm sure to be a sleep deprived total mess for awhile come September!

Guess thats one way to force myself to chill a bit ;)

I expect to get a lot of use out of the Pandora at 4am in the coming months ;)

So if you happen to have noticed my post-volume decreased the last month or so, or why I'm selling off 50 arcade game mainboards ... now you know why ;) "Baby needs a new pair of shoes!" (and daddy needs a new pair of bottles of rum ;)

Congrats Jeff!

WOW, twins uh? Good luck with that. Me and my wife decided to call it quits after one. I don't think I could have survived one more, forget about two. Well I wish you all the best, and 2 healthy babies of course.

Maybe you'll free up some time for the Pandora 2 OS somewhere down the line :p

Congratulations :)

Thanks for all your hard work on the Pandora, now it's time to take care of yourself and your (growing) family ;)

Bye, Magic Sam
Congratulations Skeezix, i hope the ankle biters arrive healthy and you're not over run with women ;)

I'd also like to say again thankyou for all the hard work you have put into the Pandora and your emulators over the years, your many hours of work has gained me many many happy hours of play.

About the 4am thing - in my experience, babies that won't go to sleep, aren't happy unless you're standing up (and swaying from side to side*). Sitting down with them seems to make them think you've given up. If you haven't got one, get yourself one (two?) of those 'slings' where you can stick the baby in (front or behind). That way at 4am, you can pop the baby in and still have your hands free for some gaming! I played most of the way through Ico during 4am sessions B)

*Bizzarely, you'll find you develop this naturally, and from then on it kicks in as soon as you hold *any* baby...
Congrats Skeezix! How old is your daughter? We have a 6 year old girl, 4 year old boy, and a 7 month old boy. Having them close together is tough! but fun! Best of luck :)
My girl is 4 :) Old enough to lend a hand ... ;)

Grunt -- yeah, for sure; I near wore a path through our carpet first time round, from walking a circuit around the whole house all night from dusk till dawn. I reaaally hope these new gaffers will sleep a little better and earlier (my brothers kid started sleeping through the night at 2 weeks old .. my daughter took a year before she'd sleep an hour ;) We picked up one of those tripod swing-things to drop the baby into and keep it moving, to get us a bit of respite ..

Man, twins :blink: , it's gonna be tough. But with any luck, at least _one_ will sleep for you. If it's any comfort, our daughter hated sleep (many similar nights pacing the house) but my eldest boy absolutely loved sleep. Even as he got older he'd be the first up the stairs at bed time, so there is hope. :)

The swing is good if they like it, the sling is great too. You could also take them for a drive, always worked wonders with my daughter if all else failed. But yea, you will probably end up with more time with your pandy rather than less. Hopefully you'll spend that time de-stressing with some rot action rather than going native coding crazy ;) (unless coding is de-stressing to you :p ) In the end it will all be worth it, kids are great fun.
Congratulation skeezix! I couldn't imagine the hell of dealing with !TWO! newborns but I'm sure you'll cope admirably :)

Our 2 year-old is STILL not sleeping through the night...and then he gets up at ~6 every morning :-(

knackered, I am.
Miner49er said:
Our 2 year-old is STILL not sleeping through the night...and then he gets up at ~6 every morning :-(
Lucky you. Mine was up at 4 at the same age. His wakeup hour grow a bit to reach 6 at the age of 10. (reached 5am when he was 7).
Thankfully he now prepare his breakfast himself ;)
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sebt3 said:
Miner49er said:
Our 2 year-old is STILL not sleeping through the night...and then he gets up at ~6 every morning :-(
Lucky you. Mine was up at 4 at the same age. His wakeup hour grow a bit to reach 6 at the age of 10. (reached 5am when he was 7).
Thankfully he now prepare his breakfast himself ;)

Oh dear god, that would kill me. Luckily our youngest <I>does</I> goto sleep without any bother and always has done. Our eldest son, refused to goto sleep for about 3 years unless somebody (me) was there stroking his head till he dropped off.

Damn hard work but can be very rewarding. Kind of like of playing through a really tough arcade game...mind you, I often feel let-down once I complete a game (AticAtac's final screen message: "Well done you've, completed the game"...and that's it.
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Congrats mate! With a couple rug-rats myself, I know what you're headed for .. I hope you'll try to remember your Pandora pals as you deal with the real shit! ;)
wow congrats skeezix

Some people actually say that it should be easier with twins cause they can entertain each other, so you dont have to be all over them as with one child. (well..... time will tell if that's truth) :)
I feel sorry for the firts kid, she may get ignored by the twins since theres an age gap and they'll have each other, but our goal in life is to make sure she feels part of everything andf doesn't get left out.. but doesn't the first kid alwasy get screwed up? sigh :p

Well, first kid likes vectrex and Atari, so I've already ruined her :p

First kid needs lots of continued love too, never forget that .. its a real test for parents, no question about it. I'm going through it now, my first-born is getting a little jealous of all the coo-coo'ing over the newborn, but I take him with me on errands and trips now, more and more, so he's getting lots of Daddy time too .. its very important to maintain this, I am finding .. and a lot of work, also.
Be prepared!