Weird Moment


Active Member
Oct 2, 2007
Weird thing happened to me today.
My friend Robert is visiting his dad and so was joining into a church activites over this fine weekend. During a movie (our church was showing) I was showing him some goofy pics on my iPod. He noticed the pics I have of the pandora and said, My friend has one of those!

Creepy but cool!
HackModford said:
Weird thing happened to me today.
My friend Robert is visiting his dad and so was joining into a church activites over this fine weekend. During a movie (our church was showing) I was showing him some goofy pics on my iPod. He noticed the pics I have of the pandora and said, My friend has one of those!

Creepy but cool!

...He's lying...tellem he shouldn't lie in church.
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We weren't in church... :p It was just our "church group" having some activities. Not having church LOL and I believe him :)
You're assuming he wasn't talking about a netbook or something with a similar form factor...? All the same, there are Pandoras in the wild now. Pretty cool if his friend actually has one!

Of course, that doesn't help with the envy factor...
1. Find where he lives
2. Wait until nighttime
3. Break into his room
4. ???
Same thing happened to me my sister was in the library at her school and her friend was talking about his pandora that someone gave him which he hardly uses and she asks me since he has his why have you been waiting so long for yours (2 months ago before release)
kjohn said:
Same thing happened to me my sister was in the library at her school and her friend was talking about his pandora that someone gave him which he hardly uses and she asks me since he has his why have you been waiting so long for yours (2 months ago before release)

... it's only been in anyone's hands a week, hardly enough time for anyone to suggest a limited number of uses.
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It sounds like your friend is simply mistaken.

The odds of what he said being true under those circumstances probably run into the millions.

There is more chance hitting a lottery jackpot than this happening
He's probably one of those people that just habitually lies to make conversation interesting.

My brother is the same way. I showed him a GP2X once and he immediately said "Oh yeah lots of my buddies have one of those" and brushed it off like it was nothing. None of his friends were ever the type that would have a GP2X, nevermind even heard of it before.
I know many people like that. Including an old friend of mine. I don't see the point of it. Make's them look like a dick!
The chances of that happening are very slim, but it might also be true. Now, if I meet someone who has a Pandy, that would be weird, since I'll probably have the only pandora in Brazil, which has 150 million inhabitants.
Elanzer said:
None of his friends were ever the type that would have a GP2X, nevermind even heard of it before.

Just of curiosity, how would you distinguish a GP2X owner from other human beings? :D
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Mantis said:
Elanzer said:
None of his friends were ever the type that would have a GP2X, nevermind even heard of it before.

Just of curiosity, how would you distinguish a GP2X owner from other human beings? :D
Easy, GP2X users look like this:
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HackModford said:
Weird thing happened to me today.
My friend Robert is visiting his dad and so was joining into a church activites over this fine weekend. During a movie (our church was showing) I was showing him some goofy pics on my iPod. He noticed the pics I have of the pandora and said, My friend has one of those!

Creepy but cool!

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Xenu said:
Mantis said:
Elanzer said:
None of his friends were ever the type that would have a GP2X, nevermind even heard of it before.

Just of curiosity, how would you distinguish a GP2X owner from other human beings? :D
Easy, GP2X users look like this:

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kjohn said:
Same thing happened to me my sister was in the library at her school and her friend was talking about his pandora that someone gave him which he hardly uses and she asks me since he has his why have you been waiting so long for yours (2 months ago before release)

Sure it wasn't an iPad?
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liquidphantom said:
kjohn said:
Same thing happened to me my sister was in the library at her school and her friend was talking about his pandora that someone gave him which he hardly uses and she asks me since he has his why have you been waiting so long for yours (2 months ago before release)

Sure it wasn't an iPad?
or a DSI XL?? or a remotely like of a netbook, or any other clamshell form factor device?
or just maybe a DVD/CD player painted black??

sure people still dont understand the diference of stuff, even on a developed country.

its not a matter of superb 1337 stuff you know, but still people confuse the controller of the TV and the DVD :D
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SONY said:
Cool story bro!

You're not going to trick me into going "chilling with the bros".
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