We Need More Coding Competitions!


Mar 5, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Because there are way too many entries in the ADIC! :angry: :angry:

Seriously, though... I was wondering why not much seemed to be getting released for a few months (Dr.MD and a few other things excepted, of course). Does anybody else think that 37 entries, many of them of high quality, coming all at once is a bit much? I feel it's inevitable that some entries won't get the recognition they deserve because most people will not be able to try everything, and the ADIC competition will not remain "news" long enough for them to remain hot topics.

Basically, I think we need more coding competitions, maybe some smaller ones, since the amount of entries that go into a single competition is reaching critical mass. ;)

Does anyone else agree? :ph34r:
I'm always amazed by these competitions and the way they really do seem to re-energize the community every time one of them ends. But I really don't think we should have more because if there were too many, coders would get tired of them, I think, and then they may be less likely to enter amazing releases like openSNES or DrMD.
I'm always amazed by these competitions and the way they really do seem to re-energize the community every time one of them ends. But I really don't think we should have more because if there were too many, coders would get tired of them, I think, and then they may be less likely to enter amazing releases like openSNES or DrMD.

I don't think so... there are already a lot more competitions per year than there were a few years ago. Back then there was only ADIC and 15-days.

Now, we have those plus some smaller ones, like the llamasoft competition.

The thing is that most of these smaller ones were concentrated in the first half of the year, which left a big gap until ADIC. Now I know I'm going to get lots of people telling me to stop being ungracious. I'm really not, it's great that there are so many programs available. It's just that I think that there are more entries than the ADIC was originally designed for, so if a new competition doesn't come up maybe the ADIC should create seperate categories...
I think some kind of improvement competition would be cool. Add on to an abandoned open-source project (or one that hasn't been updated in a while) and make it better. Maybe add some rules like you have to choose a project that you did not work on before or have any part in. We have some awesome programs for our GP32's, but not all of them are finished.
I think some kind of improvement competition would be cool. Add on to an abandoned open-source project (or one that hasn't been updated in a while) and make it better. Maybe add some rules like you have to choose a project that you did not work on before or have any part in. We have some awesome programs for our GP32's, but not all of them are finished.

Cool idea! But I don't like the part where "you [cannot] work on [one you have worked on] before or have [had] any part in".
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I think some kind of improvement competition would be cool.  Add on to an abandoned open-source project (or one that hasn't been updated in a while) and make it better.  Maybe add some rules like you have to choose a project that you did not work on before or have any part in.  We have some awesome programs for our GP32's, but not all of them are finished.

Craig did this And I think that it is a good idea. While there were alot of entries in this compo, and there were some great ideas there, alot of them were very unfinished. The unfortunate trend with these things is that most will be abandoned as they are now, leaving you with a bunch of "teasers". If some sort of "most improved " mini compo was done and give a couple of months to complete, it may inspire nore of them to be completed.
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I think we need that Crap Compo like a hole in the head!
Oh well, it might get me and other non-devvers to release something.
before anyone is gonna start a gp32 coding compo right ahead, please wait till the third pdroms compo is starting ;) i gonna wait not till that crapgame compo is over and announced my compo then. i waited that long to not collide with others, in fact i was going to announe mine tomorrow... but if there is another compo going on... oh well :) i think i move the official start of the pdrc #3 to around... mid of january then
before anyone is gonna start a gp32 coding compo right ahead, please wait till the third pdroms compo is starting ;) i gonna wait not till that crapgame compo is over and announced my compo then. i waited that long to not collide with others, in fact i was going to announe mine tomorrow... but if there is another compo going on... oh well :) i think i move the official start of the pdrc #3 to around... mid of january then

I wouldn't be too concerned with the crap compo. I don't think it will be that big and it is a different group. The ones for the PD ROMs compo aren't going to be trying to make "crap" anyway they are trying to do good stuff.
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well you don't want 2 competitions on at the same time even if one of them is just for laughs! Really cool to hear there's another one starting soon, thanks Kojote!
Its not that long until GBAX2005, I wonder what the main psprize could be?

As for the improvements comp - we did one last year. But you will notice that loads of games are slowly being updated and being entered into each comp as it comes, several in ADIC were previously in 16Days for example, but now they are improved, probably the best way of doing it.


Well, another idea would be a community based compo... eg. someone being the chairman of the compo is collecting donations from the community to buy prizes, and the community could choose what kind of compo it is, eg. an emulator-only compo - This way the 'scene' would get what they want. Sometimes it's the best to take things in you own hand, so go, people, go! ;)
Not that bad of an idea, maybe someone like EvilDragon to do it, but he is already busy doing many stuff for the community :P

yeah, that idea is excellent Don & I also think that EvilDragon would be a great "chairman" ;p
The topic of the compo would be able to be voted by ppl on this board for exemple ....
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hehe. I can't believe the original poster was complaining about too MANY games :) :P

My oh my - more competitions! I can't wait! Are the GBAx and PDRoms competitions usually themed, or time limited, or how do they work?