We Did It ;)


Still Fresh
Feb 23, 2004
I did with friends @ school a little game (Shoot them up) on GP32
We are debugging the game and it will be possible to download soon the final version


Beta (no sound , no finished men, few ennemys , ...) it's just to see the gameplay


What do you think about ?
Very nice bit of side-scrolling shoot-em-up :) - Though I can't seem to get the shield to work (at least in GeePee; haven't tried it on the real thing yet ;) ). Which means it becomes a game of avoidance rather than blasting the shyzzemer out of everything you run across... but nonetheless, very nice :)

BTW: Where does the menu screen come from? I'm sure I've seen it before, but no idea where...
Tobriand posted on Jul 12 2004 at 09:55 AM said:
BTW: Where does the menu screen come from? I'm sure I've seen it before, but no idea where...
from Freelancer ;)
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this morning there was a link to a file called toto.fxe,

but it didn't worked for me neither on geepee32 or my gp32 :( , then the link to
the file has been erased from the post :angry: , i already ask the question why but none has reply :angry: :angry: .

this is very weird isn't it?


Herc. :ph34r:
hercule18 posted on Jul 12 2004 at 02:50 PM said:
this morning there was a link to a file called toto.fxe,

but it didn't worked for me neither on geepee32 or my gp32 :( , then the link to
the file has been erased from the post :angry: , i already ask the question why but none has reply :angry: :angry: .
there is a beta here ;)

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now we have an official website which locate www.gpteam.net
and there is a forum too (the link works ;) )

But we have a problem the final version is higher than 2 Mo and the geepee32 emul don't accept game higher than 2 mo ..

Cu soon on our board ;)
echidna posted on Jul 13 2004 at 04:21 AM said:
this game seem to be promising but please, set the difficulty down.
No, the whole point of shooters is that they're stupidly hard and take 1,000 replays until you can do them without dying.

Screenshots didn't load for me :(
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Well , Some screenshots ;) :


