We Are Still Doing The Boards+Population In The Usa, But It Looks Like

EvilDragon said:
Nothing bad, just a lot more hard work for us ;)
And if you need help, let us know - we'll be there!
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So, when is all this going to be done? When is the assembly line going to be set up? and when are the units going to be assembled? Is Texas going to finish producing the 4000, and when are they going to ship those out? I'm wondering all this because the last I read cases should be shipping from China at the end of the week, or early next week at the latest (hopefully). I'm hoping that this won't add much time to the project.

In short, is this venture is going to take some extra time? Is this being set up now? Is this going to be done in Craig's garage with a few people, a table and a space heater? So many questions!

Anyways, good luck in the final leg guys! :D
emil10001 said:
So, when is all this going to be done? When is the assembly line going to be set up? and when are the units going to be assembled? Is Texas going to finish producing the 4000, and when are they going to ship those out? I'm wondering all this because the last I read cases should be shipping from China at the end of the week, or early next week at the latest (hopefully). I'm hoping that this won't add much time to the project.

In short, is this venture is going to take some extra time? Is this being set up now? Is this going to be done in Craig's garage with a few people, a table and a space heater? So many questions!

Anyways, good luck in the final leg guys! :D

No, I own the old Village hall. So it will be done there. If anything we think this will speed things up.
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It's just part of doing business.

I think if you'd get a day by day update on a product made by an established big company you'd be amazed by the similarities.

I can remember a new Mercedes coming out and the name already been deposited by someone else years ago. He waited until the whole prerelease advertising campaign was on it's peak and then he said they couldn't use it. I tried to google it but couldn't easily find it but the way I remember it they transferred him something like 150k just to go into negotiations with them and not force them to stop the advertising campaign etc. No one at Mercedes had bothered to check if the name was available. Apple has problems with Fujitsu at the moment as they already have a tablet with that exact same name.

These yanks probably waited as long as possible, hoping the point of no return had been passed, and they'd have to accept the high quote. Or they just don't feel like it and/or are lacking the time/employees so they just quoted an amount that would make it interesting for them. If, and I wouldn't be surprised, they read this forums they know the pressure is on and that could possibly be exploitable.

I have no clue how long it takes to assemble one unit but I can't imagine it being over an hour, especially not if you setup a line and everyone does something else. Assuming it would take 1 hour of labor per unit I can't see how it would have to cost more then $30-$35 and that's still a very healthy markup if you get cheap labor. And seeing as I can see how 3 an hour a person could be a very attainable number they are just taking the piss and there is more to this matter then we know about. Of course the numbers and technical level of the workers I just sucked out of my thumb will change dramatically with more info. For instance if soldering is involved in every unit you need at least one guy with a steady hand that knows what he's doing and he'll become the bottleneck speedwise.

Personally I like the idea of the guys assembling them themselves. It's a lot less of an abstract notion then yet another company somewhere in the US saying they are going to start, it's going well, they are having problems or whatnot and not sending any finished products.
EvilDragon said:
WizardStan said:
EvilDragon said:
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!
Reality check? Shouldn't this have been something you figured out months ago, when it was first suggested that the factory offered an assembly floor? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad a backup plan came together (seemingly) so quickly, but what if there hadn't been such an option? :o

Problem was: The company didn't want to make a quote as long as they didn't know how much work it was. Then they got the documents from Michael quite a few weeks ago and needed up until now to make the quotes.
Nothing bad, just a lot more hard work for us ;)

So let me get this straight, you chose a company to populate the boards and made arrangements for them to assemble the Pandora's which originally were to be assembled and shipped by October. Let's say the arrangements weren't made until preparing for December launch. You officially announced all the parts were delivered to the Texas facility and once the cases arrived they were to be assembled and shipped. Now you say you just got a quote for the job. You sent all your materials to the facility for assembly BEFORE you even had an official arrangement for assembly? It was just assumed that all would be affordable? Sorry but that sounds a bit ridiculous. Why would you send all the parts there and assume a contract with no agreement? That would be like sending your car in for service and just assuming you wouldn't be charged an arm or a leg. That was VERY risky. Where are the parts. Do you have them back already? Are there any other assumed arrangements? I'm not trying to be belligerent or anything, I just have never heard of such a thing. I guess it's fine as long as the parts don't get lost or damaged on the way back. But it would be nice to know that they are or at least when they are expected to be back in your possession so we may know they are all safe.

Having the team assemble them is nothing to be upset about, actually I would trust they would be handled with more care as you guys would have a more careful approach seeing as how important the success of the device is. I'm glad if all works out alright. I'm not thrilled about the concept of some sort of customs fee. Especially when there is no idea what it could be. I'm going to have to do some thinking now, and some research. Not that that helped before ( I couldn't find any conclusive info). So if they do assess some huge customs fee what can one do, can you refuse the delivery if the fee is too high? Are you stuck with it? Is it likely even a concern?

I just don't understand how something like this could have happened, but also am glad a backup solution exists. Let's hope parts return doesn't cause a delay due to damage or loss. Which is one of my fears here, as well as the talk last year of customs.

ED I hope you can chime in on the parts situation. Also, I hope someone out there knows for sure about the customs stuff. I really couldn't make out anything from the old thread on it, nor do I want to look it up again just to be as confused as before. Maybe ED or Craig would best know as I'm sure they have sent devices form the UK to the US before.

I take from the tone of talk, no real delays will come of this. Are all 4000 boards populated then? If so are they shipping to you now, or will they come in some sort of waves?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but just about everything I thought I understood has just changed.

Edit: Webcam huh, I can just imagine the site crash as 4000+ people try to watch their Panda's made!
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craigix said:
emil10001 said:
So, when is all this going to be done? When is the assembly line going to be set up? and when are the units going to be assembled? Is Texas going to finish producing the 4000, and when are they going to ship those out? I'm wondering all this because the last I read cases should be shipping from China at the end of the week, or early next week at the latest (hopefully). I'm hoping that this won't add much time to the project.

In short, is this venture is going to take some extra time? Is this being set up now? Is this going to be done in Craig's garage with a few people, a table and a space heater? So many questions!

Anyways, good luck in the final leg guys! :D

No, I own the old Village hall. So it will be done there. If anything we think this will speed things up.

Well, that's a pretty good start. I guess that getting a few people together to assemble these units shouldn't be too hard with the economy as it is. Especially since you don't need to pay much for this type of work. I would also assume that you guys are already on top of getting the boards sent to you. If it was driving distance from me, I'd come help out, but I don't think I could really drive from Boston. So, I'm hoping to see some pictures of this effort.

Like I said before, good luck!
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EvilDragon said:
WizardStan said:
EvilDragon said:
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!
Reality check? Shouldn't this have been something you figured out months ago, when it was first suggested that the factory offered an assembly floor? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad a backup plan came together (seemingly) so quickly, but what if there hadn't been such an option? :o

Problem was: The company didn't want to make a quote as long as they didn't know how much work it was. Then they got the documents from Michael quite a few weeks ago and needed up until now to make the quotes.
Nothing bad, just a lot more hard work for us ;)
That sounds cool! A satisfactory answer! Looking forward to the coming weeks, it should be very exciting until the next delay! :P

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Is it wrong of me to think of this IT Crowd episode when reading this thread. :)

4OD link to entire episode. (Probably UK only).
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Gruso said:
The very idea of team Pandora assembling these things in an old village hall in England is just about the most awesome thing I have heard all year.

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Poem58 said:
You sent all your materials to the facility for assembly BEFORE you even had an official arrangement for assembly? It was just assumed that all would be affordable? Sorry but that sounds a bit ridiculous. Why would you send all the parts there and assume a contract with no agreement? That would be like sending your car in for service and just assuming you wouldn't be charged an arm or a leg. That was VERY risky. Where are the parts. Do you have them back already? Are there any other assumed arrangements?

Eh? You didn't read the whole thread (or even title), did you?
They will populate the boards and therefore need the parts ;)

We could NEVER populate the boards. All we do is put the finished boards into the finished cases and that's it.
The cases come from China, the finished boards from the facility in Texas.
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i would definetly want for my pandora to be signed by some of the main guys like ED or craig
EvilDragon said:
Eh? You didn't read the whole thread (or even title), did you?
They will populate the boards and therefore need the parts ;)

We could NEVER populate the boards. All we do is put the finished boards into the finished cases and that's it.
The cases come from China, the finished boards from the facility in Texas.
Surely there are parts that were shipped that need no population. What of the speakers and screens? I can't imagine the factory needing to do anything to either of those before assembling. Were they shipped to Texas as well?
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So where do i sign up to pay to have mine signed in silver sharpie by the build team? :-)
Sphinxter said:
Mjlink said:
This has become comedy. Panic, unknowing, panic, chaos, dead kittens.

Yup, even funny without weed.
Weed is safer than that rot gut vodka Craigx was drinking.
The real issue is still finishing the cases while the general public freaks on a change of venue for the big show!

I'll be smoking some high grade Master Kush shortly.

Peace & cases,

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Let's get ready for this. Now is the time.

Somebody needs to logisticize stuff like trucks for transporting the parts to Craig's garage assembly line and arranging flight tickets and configuring EvilDragon's alarm clock. I mean, somebody with a knack for it. The actual trip to UK to assemble the Pandoras will develop into a Guy Ritchie movie plot where everything is so complex and intertwined that the Pandoras are only likely to disassemble even further, or the completed units end up in the van of some slick criminal who's never heard from again. With forgiving music in the background. EvilDragon's luggage is certain to get lost in transit, probably accidentally sent to Bermuda or Atlantis, and his passport gets stolen. The OP team could go for a drinking spree and play some Mario Kart that turns into a fight, in the end Craig proceeds to collect everyone's order number. EvilDragon ends up as a hobo in a foreign country. Powered by Craig's optimism, estimates are pushed forward the standard quantity.

I mean... It's just assembly. Right? What could possibly go wrong?