We Are Still Doing The Boards+Population In The Usa, But It Looks Like

EvilDragon said:
(i.e. we don't have to wait until 1000 units are finished, they can be shipped right away when they are built)

So at the end of each day, you ship out the consoles that have been assembled? Or will you send them all when they are all done?
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EvilDragon said:
It's just the ASSEMBLY taking place in UK. So basically, all parts are shipped to UK (populated boards, cases) and we'll assemble there.
We'll create a production line as planned so everyone does the same thing over and over again. After a while, things'll get really fast.
Michael did send Craig a shopping list so we can make sure we got everything we need (ESD, etc.) to properly build them.

This has basically two reasons:
One is more control over it, as Craig said above (i.e. we don't have to wait until 1000 units are finished, they can be shipped right away when they are built) and the other reason is the costs.
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!

So for those two reasons, we all meet up and build your Pandoras. Yep, you read right, Craig, Fatih, Michael and me and probably other helpers too are assembling them.
Maybe we'll set up a webcam so you can watch us :)

Is assembly at Craig's house?! Or are you renting/leasing a small warehouse or something?
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Just thinking, supposedly it will be an incredibly great experience, assembling the first batch with the other dudes from the team :D
Drinking a beer at the end of the workday and getting rid of the stress while talking about all the shit that happened.
EvilDragon said:
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!
:blink: Since when?
Wow, huge price for just assembling, now I know why every major company assembles in China (Or Malaysia). If Apple would have to pay 100$ just for assembling ONE iPhone, they would be out of business within a week.

Until today, I really thought, the US (boards) Company just waiting for the case and do the complete assembling "for free" because it is some kind of service they offer. ( I'm sure I read this here somewhere a while ago)
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mali said:
Just thinking, supposedly it will be an incredibly great experience, assembling the first batch with the other dudes from the team :D
Drinking a beer at the end of the workday and getting rid of the stress while talking about all the shit that happened.
I'm up for drinking a beer at the end of the day, then helping out with assembly.

Oh - should that be the other way round?
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Always good to hear from Ed, and I have already said this is really a good thing(assembly in the UK, by Craig and company), but at what point did you guys find out about the assmebly charges in the states?

It seems that info should have been known all along, or did the team just now inquire? Either way, it seems very unprofessional IMO! That info should have been known from day one, or at least asked at day one! I have ZERO problems with everything moving to the UK, but damn it just doesn't build a good level of confidence in the team operations! Maybe someone can explain how this went this far without knowing up to this level? This makes me think we won't see these units for another year due to unforseen hiccups! Not good at all!

$100 each... What a rip off!

But would this mean those of us in the UK are going to get them sooner? :D
EvilDragon said:
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!
Reality check? Shouldn't this have been something you figured out months ago, when it was first suggested that the factory offered an assembly floor? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad a backup plan came together (seemingly) so quickly, but what if there hadn't been such an option? :o
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WizardStan said:
EvilDragon said:
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!
Reality check? Shouldn't this have been something you figured out months ago, when it was first suggested that the factory offered an assembly floor? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad a backup plan came together (seemingly) so quickly, but what if there hadn't been such an option? :o

Waitaminute - you think this won't be cutting the cost of Pandoras, that OpenPandora didn't even factor in the cost of assembly in the first place? :blink:

Instead, the guy whose only excuse for abusive outbursts is that he frequently gets drunk, is going to be in charge of assembling our units?

Erm... the time has come for me to take a break from this forum. I haven't laughed this hard since I watched "Fawlty Towers" with my boy (his first time!), and it doesn't do to belly-laugh this hard :(
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YEA set up a 24 hour web cam so the pressure is on so that Big brother "pandora customers" can always be watching that would be amazing i would watch that for all 4000 units
So when will ALL the populated boards arrive? do we have a date? a week, two weeks,a month?

So the todo list should read something like.

Things waiting for

Populated boards.
Tv out cables.
All the other parts that where previusly shipped to texas ready to start when the cases arrived.
You guys need to make a set of cards with just your names on them, and stick them in the Pandoras between the screen and keyboard when you finish them, so we can know who made ours. :)
Of course, that would take up a lot of more important assembly time...And I imagine 4000 cards wouldn't come cheap.
So - bottom line - how much time is this going to add to the wait for US-based customers? Have to be honest - this is disappointing news if it's going to delay things - that and I don't understand how this can suddenly come up when you guys were expecting the Pandora's to be finished/assembled half a year ago.. Did you never ask a price when you thought they were going to be assembled in Texas?
WizardStan said:
EvilDragon said:
The company does want an incredible high amount (about 100USD per unit, AFAIR) just for assembling.
That would be a whopping 400.000 USD!
Reality check? Shouldn't this have been something you figured out months ago, when it was first suggested that the factory offered an assembly floor? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad a backup plan came together (seemingly) so quickly, but what if there hadn't been such an option? :o

Problem was: The company didn't want to make a quote as long as they didn't know how much work it was. Then they got the documents from Michael quite a few weeks ago and needed up until now to make the quotes.
Nothing bad, just a lot more hard work for us ;)
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