Waternet 1.1 Released


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
Joyrider Released a new version of his waternet puzzle game. This is what's new :

- Added skin support. You can skin everything or just certain parts of the game that's up to u. Use L/R to change skins anywhere in the game
- No More floodfill just graphics for connected and not connected tiles Results in a big speed increase as well
- Changed to cursor to a graphic
- Cursor Starts on the start position in the level
- Cursor wraps around the edges
- Fading speed has been doubled
- Changed ingame font to verdana. Looks a bit better now, it's as good as it gets.
- bidirectional turns (clockwise & counterclokwise)
- fixed a bug that would allaw an uncompleted level to be seen as completed in certain occasions
- Added an icon

a few screenshots :

You can download the new version here
More info here

A Very Very big thanks goes out to Fusion Power for giving me new idea's on how to improve the game and make it even better. And also for creating the first 2 skins !!! Go thank him also :)
No problem :) Ideas and Bugs I deliver for free. ;)

I will try verdana font to. Because I have a updated executable, I just need a new font, I should had done this earlier. :)

EDIT: oops, it seems, that the standard-windows verdana font is a little bit to big for our GP2X :lol:
fusion_power said:
No problem :) Ideas and Bugs I deliver for free. ;)

I will try verdana font to. Because I have a updated executable, I just need a new font, I should had done this earlier. :)

EDIT: oops, it seems, that the standard-windows verdana font is a little bit to big for our GP2X :lol:
fusion, u need the new exe i had to change the font sizes, that's why it's to big for u :) if u want i'll upload just the exe for u. btw the windows version is released also, just check my webbie :)
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Whoa, I expected a standard 'Pipes' clone here...

...but this is much better! :D

Great game!
joyrider said:
fusion_power said:
No problem :) Ideas and Bugs I deliver for free. ;)

I will try verdana font to. Because I have a updated executable, I just need a new font, I should had done this earlier. :)

EDIT: oops, it seems, that the standard-windows verdana font is a little bit to big for our GP2X :lol:
fusion, u need the new exe i had to change the font sizes, that's why it's to big for u :) if u want i'll upload just the exe for u. btw the windows version is released also, just check my webbie :)

Yupp, exe only again would be nice. :) When the game itself handles the normal font-sizes correctly, so I can try various standard-fonts and they have the right size ingame?
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That's the problem, not every font looks the same at the same point size. for example the previous font i was using i had to use the 16 as font size, now it's 10 or 8 can't remember for the new font.

but as u'll see if u change font's they'll be either to wide or too big in height. i always have to respicfy some parameters when trying out a new font. could be there are other fonts doh that work with the current settings. I asked about what font looked best on the gp2x on irc and used that one
Well, I had done a short font-test with the new game version. "Arial black" is usable, nice bold letters and fits with the standard Skin(s). But I had chosen the bold version of the Verdana font, looks very good.
But there should be a line break function if the word don't fit in one line (only needed in the Level-Type-description sometimes. ) Under this text section is enough Space I think. :)
Sadly the normal font's don't have outlines. Would be perfect for skins with complex background. I have trouble to find the right font-color for my new skin. ( ;) ) Black outline+ yellow inside would be cool.

While playing I found out, that the hard-Game-mode could be harder :lol: Well, only rotating of course, the sliding modes are hard enough. ^^ There could be more tube-junctions, end pieces, many corners and turns etc. :)
well i have a line break function in it well actually i do the line breaks manually. but i wanted to keep that text random medium etc on one line. i might give it a shot not sure if it would work to edit my writetext function so that it has an option to write X Max letters, problem is not all letters are the same width except if i use a monotype font then i could do that but the problem with monotype fonts is that they take some big space width wise.

Also i can't use outlined fonts with SDL_TTf as far as i know, i could ditch sdl_ttf and use bitmapped fonts, but i never tried that and they are almost certenly wider than ttf fonts. then u could create ure own style of fonts but it takes time. Sfont could be used but i kinda like SDL_Ttf hehe it's easy to program. I'll have a look at sfont doh.

rotating is a pretty easy game mode once u know a little trick which u have probably already figured out :) that's why i implemented sliding and sliding+rotating as well to make the game more difficult :)

i have to admit i used the level generator to create the levels, at first i was goana do them all manually but that just takes ages and i wasn't sure if there was a unique solutions then, when generating i can make sure there's only one solution. U could try to create some levels for ureself with the level editor (and place them in the custom folder (named level1.lev level2.lev etc) and see if they are harder :) u just start by creating a solution and then press the appropiate shuffle button in the level editor to shuffle the pieces.
bitmapped fonts are not the best way I think, normal computer fonts are so easy to handle with. :) This with the outlines was just a suggestion. The text ingame is not that important.
I forgot to mention, that I wanted the RANDOM generated hard levels more complex because I don't play the premade levels. :) Maybe there has to be a more complex map generation algorithm or so. I could build levels per hand but the Random-feature is so great that I only want to use it. :lol:
Oh, for the Random levels, at the end could stay the number of moves so the player can see how good/bad he was. :)
No problem reaper.

Hey fusion. again a damn nice skin :) i'll see that i can add it with a new release and also that the amount of turns will show up on the level completed screen so u can see how good / bad u did !

I'm currently spending my time on blockdude doh :)

if i don't have the time to release another version i'll make sure ure skins are uploaded to my webpage as well as a seperate download !
reaper79 said:
Hmmm... does this save your progress at all? Or do you have to unlock all the levels each time you start it up?

yes it saves your progress, it should save the levels that are unlocked. however you need to go to the last unlocked level manually by using right joystick button in the level selector. (what u see after u've chose the difficulty and game mode).

if u started from tutorial and u made it till easy level 5 for example. u should choose the easy difficulty next time and "browse" to level 5 they should be unlocked
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