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Whats wrong with being gay? I'm not gay, but there is nothing wrong with being gay, I think its more disgusting to sniff your sis's panties then be gay.

That aside, I think used underclothes are nasty, no matter who's worn them.
i'd quite like it if loads of gay blokes sent me their sisters' panties to sniff...

urghhh! did I ever tell you about the time we found my mam's double-ended dildo under the bed? I *swear* it had yellow/orange scurf on it...

lord holy jeebus knows who went on the other end... :blink:

edit: : if I ever go to japan, i'm getting me some of those schoolgirl panties... as long as they're not over a fiver... if they are, i'm gonna put my cash in that bum-poking japanese arcade-machine instead...
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Whats wrong with being gay? I'm not gay, but there is nothing wrong with being gay, I think its more disgusting to sniff your sis's panties then be gay.

Go to Japanese - you can buy weared panties in automats...
yup, I've seen that on tv.
also I was reading Bizare the otherday at my mates house. And I found out that there's a woman who makes monay selling piss and shit ridden panties. :o
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It says in the post, "Since the 7th grade..." Well that would mean since he was 11 or 12. Let's say for argument's sake that he is 13 when he sniffed his sister's panties. He's just at that awkward age where he's discovering the sexual allure of women. There's nothing wrong with being physically attracted to a family member of the opposite sex - it's not like your jimmies know the difference. Acting on the attraction is what is wrong. I say if the kid keeps sniffing his sister's panties, then that's a bad sign.

Note that it doesn't really matter whether the above story is "true" or not, we can just take it in the hypothetical sense for argument's sake.
Actually it is very unlikely for you to become attracted to someone you grew up with, or knew from a young age.
Actually it is very unlikely for you to become attracted to someone you grew up with, or knew from a young age.

I'm talking physical attraction - instinct. Most people (except those living in Arkansas) block the attraction subconsciously. Even a lot of lower animals do this. But it does exist as part of basic animal instinct.
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Actually it is very unlikely for you to become attracted to someone you grew up with, or knew from a young age.
Actually, mates who've taken psychology tell me that at a younger age almost everyone fancies their mum, and then they get scared that their dad's will find out and cut their cocks off.

Seriously, someone like Freud said it I think. Crazy stuff.

Oh, and sniffing your sisters pants is just weird. I'm pretty open minded about most stuff but that's just...weird.
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Don't know if the story is true, or how much of it is true, but when he explains it all to the shrink, the shrink will tell him it's normal and it's not his fault, here's your prescription.

As for me, I can't think of my family as anything but genderless relative drones. Anything else would just be sickening.