Want To Volt Mod


Jul 22, 2003
Norrköping, Sweden
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I think I got enough experience to solder the resistors for the volt mod but I don't know where to buy the right ones...
I modded 3 xboxes so far and other stuff and I think I can do this. :)

I'm in need of the right resistors.

Maybe someone friendly can send me some for free. I have found 1 site on the webb where I don't need to pay with credit card but there you have to buy 5000 in a row. I do not need 10000 resistors. :P

I'm from Sweden so maybe a swedish guy could send me some resistors in a letter. This would not cost much, maybe at most 1 usd or 10 Swedish Kronor .

Dark_TB, the guide at cobbleware has illustrations for doing the mod with standard wire-ended resistors as well as surface-mount ones. I'm sure you'll be able to get them from any electronics outlet for less than one Crown (Krown? :)

generalnmx: you probably won't be interested, but Temuera Morrison was an actor in soap operas in New Zealand for years before he got the part in Star Wars. And now it turns out that all of the Storm Troopers were cloned from him, as well as Boba Fett who got Han Solo frozen in that metal thing! And after having seen him on our televisions for so long, it just doesn't seem right. It's especially not right to see him doing the movement in the picture in your signature! :D