Volt Mod'd 2 Blu's, Get Two Different Oc Speed


Still Fresh
Apr 30, 2004
Pennsylvania, USA
I just volt modded two BLU's with 68k resistors on R48 and 120k resistors on R52 (per Cobbleware.com's suggestion) and one can go to 200mhz and the other can only go to 184 mhz. I'm thinking a bad solder joint can build resistance? I'm not great at soldering. I really hate to open it up again.

Just thought I share this tid bit of info.
One word makes a world of difference. Thanks.

By the way, now I think I'll have to open them back up anyways 'cause you just reminded me about your joystick mod. uuurrrgggghhh :lol: :o :lol: :o
zj_jeepster posted on Jul 24 2004 at 02:03 AM said:
One word makes a world of difference. Thanks.

By the way, now I think I'll have to open them back up anyways 'cause you just reminded me about your joystick mod. uuurrrgggghhh :lol: :o :lol: :o
The joystick mod is a pretty low-risk operation. I recommend using a folded plastic sandwich bag for the job. :D
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zj_jeepster, I don't think you should be surprised at the difference in speeds. For a start, your resistors are probably 5% tolerance, so they won't be exactly 68k and 120k, which will mean that the two units will be running at slightly different voltages. Also, different CPUs will run at different speeds even with the same core voltage. That's why there's such a spread in the clock speed capabilities of un-modded GP32s.

So it's all perfectly natural. You could increase the voltage a little more in the 184MHz one to see if you can get some extra speed, but then again I think there are plenty of people who are jealous of you already, maybe you should just be happy with what you've got! :)
Robster posted on Jul 24 2004 at 04:40 AM said:
zj_jeepster, I don't think you should be surprised at the difference in speeds. For a start, your resistors are probably 5% tolerance, so they won't be exactly 68k and 120k, which will mean that the two units will be running at slightly different voltages. Also, different CPUs will run at different speeds even with the same core voltage. That's why there's such a spread in the clock speed capabilities of un-modded GP32s.

So it's all perfectly natural. You could increase the voltage a little more in the 184MHz one to see if you can get some extra speed, but then again I think there are plenty of people who are jealous of you already, maybe you should just be happy with what you've got! :)
Yep I'm definately jealous lol. One gp32_console does 150 adn the other 156. I can't solder for crap either :(
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Thanks for the heads up. Yeh I guess I should just be happy I didn't blow the thing up. Seeing as there's no use with such a high OC speed now anyways I'll just keep it this way for a while.

Your site was the inspiration behind this project. Thanks for your time and effort :) :D
holy crap i would love if my blu went to 200 does anyone offer a service to get it volt modded?
Well in the uk theres console fix.
If your gp is 133mhz then it can get to 166mhz.
if its 166 mhz then 180mhz is possible.
if its 180 then 200 is possible
if its 200 then 220 is possible
Imagine un modded 220's should be able to get 240 :o

It depends how high the voltage is set too.
it should be less than 1.95 volts I believe but probably am wrong.
got to get this done, i have nearly done the full works just need this speed boost and maybe ram if i can find a custom pcb place to do the surface mounting for me

EDIT: Nevermind.

WHAT £10 is that it? How reliable are these guys anyone have any experience with them?
This all started 'cause I thought GBAX was going to send me one that's modded if it couldn't get to 166mhz, hoping that then it could go higher than that. Well I guess I emailed too late and got two that goes right to 166mhz and no more and after looking inside sure enough it was un-modded. Fine, as Craig was saying that 166mhz was the goal anyways. I just couldn't help "tinker" with it ;) ;) ;)
i can wait to see if mr. mirko will update his clock speed tester to see if gp32 can go even higher that 220

i want to know what mine can do
and im pretty sure that the rest of the 220 capable people want to also
or anyone that's electronically inclined, I failed to mention that on the slower one, I accidentally ripped off the little square silver pad for R52 (the one further away from R48). The resistor leg is just barely soldered to what's left of the silver underneath the plastic/fiberglass. It was showing very little silver material. I was afraid to scrape away the plastic fearing that I'll keep destroying what little silver there's left. Could this lead to resistance? I have now put in a 51K/82K combo and I think the voltage is higher but it'll only clock to 192. I think the damage is limiting the voltage. Should I go higher in voltage?
Hi zj_jeepster,

A pity about damaging the pad but it's not the end of the world. Just make sure that there is contact between the resistor and the little bit of solder that's still showing, and it'll be fine. Alternatively, you can scrape off the green solder resist to expose more copper to solder on to. I do it often, and I use the back of a craft knife (box cutter) to do it.

The resistance in the connection is not a problem. Every join has some resistance, but generally it's way less than 1 ohm. In extreme cases, it may be an ohm or two. This is not significant compared to the 68k / 120k ohms of the resistors themselves.

You won't find out much about your voltage by just looking at the resistors. Getting a reasonably accurate digital voltmeter, and measuring the voltage, is the only way to know for sure what your CPU is getting.

I've got a BLU coming to me Real Soon Now, when it arrives I'm going to do some voltage experiments to see how high I can go (voltage and clock speed) before it crashes/dies. Should be interesting! :)