Wallpapers And Other Graphics Wanted!

@ dmlemstr

well! there is one, the site doesn't work, :P I tried to enter the captcha 4 or 5 times, it got it wrong every time (yes I did distinguish between upper and lower case), oh well, if anyone wants em they can download em off this thread anyway.
hobbyman II said:
@ dmlemstr

well! there is one, the site doesn't work, :P I tried to enter the captcha 4 or 5 times, it got it wrong every time (yes I did distinguish between upper and lower case), oh well, if anyone wants em they can download em off this thread anyway.
Removed the whole captcha system. It was annoying anyways...
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fine, I uploaded em, thanks a lot...



sorry, time for more meds <_<

What do you think?
Without the cars, the hills and the black bar(tree or photographed from inside car?) on the right, it would look rather good. Nice atmosphere, imo.
I kinda knew you'd like it :lol:
It's supposed to have a somewhat gothic noir. I tested it on Pandorawalls and the cars aren't going to be on the bottom.
Nice trees Jourdy :) I do agree with the others though, the stuff around the edges of the frame makes it look a little scrappy. A quick crop puts the viewer's focus on the intricate branches:


You could go further and crop the mountains out too, that's a matter of preference really. Personally I like the sense of being "grounded" that the horizon provides, but that's just me. :) Those who prefer a more detached / abstract image would probably prefer to see them cropped out.

@(naw)mcx: phwoar.

(naw)mcx: Picture is good (very nice). But logo have shadow in bad direction. Seems very weird. Shopping is clear and good work as an photo. Just these shadows.
edit: spelling
gosse said:
Took a picture of this freaking ugly (and huge) spider last summer and decided to turn it into a wallpaper for the Pandora

I call it the Pandora Widow:
I'm not usually scared of spiders but I would run like hell and scream like a little girl if I ever came across something like that.
It does make nice wallpaper though :D
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
I'm not usually scared of spiders but I would run like hell and scream like a little girl if I ever came across something like that.
It does make nice wallpaper though :D
I HATE spiders! Too many legs/eyes everywhere...
I don't scream like a little girls when I seen... since a bunch of years :unsure:

But I love nice contrasted photo as background :P
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
gosse said:
Took a picture of this freaking ugly (and huge) spider last summer and decided to turn it into a wallpaper for the Pandora

I call it the Pandora Widow:
I'm not usually scared of spiders but I would run like hell and scream like a little girl if I ever came across something like that.
It does make nice wallpaper though :D
But what would you do if you came across one of these?

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Prometheus said:
Tripmonkey_uk said:
gosse said:
Took a picture of this freaking ugly (and huge) spider last summer and decided to turn it into a wallpaper for the Pandora

I call it the Pandora Widow:
I'm not usually scared of spiders but I would run like hell and scream like a little girl if I ever came across something like that.
It does make nice wallpaper though :D
But what would you do if you came across one of these?

put it on ebay :D
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