Wait For Craig2x Or Buy A Gp2x F-200 Now?

Lurkio said:
Viking said:
So anyway I know I saw a silver and black GP2X somewhere anyone know where it was?
I take it you mean this one?


EDIT: apparently it's a prototype unit, also found another this time white.


Could this be Panda edition? I remember GPH talking about it before the BoB.
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Viking said:
Whats BoB?
B.o.B. is the "Ballistic Object Bombing". Secret Korean weapon of mass destruction.
You should know that already, black metal fan!
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I say you should go find yourself a used MK2 thats in good condition. Thats what I did.

You'll be waiting a while for the Craig2x, so I suggest you get a GP2X if you want one. It doesn't seem worthwhile to buy the F-200, since most people won't have it, so there won't be much of a point for developers.

The D-Pad looks nice, but there are probably going to be problems with the initial release of the F-200, and they'll make design changes and drop the price later. But you're probably better off just getting an MK2.
jbrodack said:
worst thread yet on this subject

In all seriousness, the "build quality" is really not bad at all. My personal biggest complaint is that there is far too much free play to the joystick (some people call call it "dead zone").

Other than that issue, and the easy bendability of the battery contacts (don't drop the unit, because the weight of the batteries can actually bend the contacts away from the batteries themselves; but they are easily bent back), the overall build is very solid and profesional-feeling, like what you would expect from any serious commercial enterprise. It's sure as hell not as tight as the big N can make something, but easily as tight as what Sony might make.

Once you load up a 4GB SD card with your choice of emus and homebrew software, you will have a hard time remembering why you hesitated buying one in the first place. Buy one cheap somewhere, you won't regret it.

Easily the worst thread on this subject to date. And where the hell are all the trolls and flame-takers?!?! heh
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