Release Vvvvvv


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
Visit site

VVVVVV PC versions come with a folder called data, this folder should be copied to the appdata folder which should be something like /media/mysdcard/pandora/appdata/vvvvvv

Either create the folder or run the pnd once, then copy the data over.

Once the data is present you should just need to run the game.

Note: Previous users dont need to change anything, just get the pnd and play.

Home/Pageup are mapped to Action
End/Pagedown are mapped to Enter (map)

Edit: current pnd has a bug with the hidden folder .vvvvvv, either wait for the updated pnd or create this folder yourself in the appdata folder.
Pickle said:

VVVVVV PC versions come with a folder called data, this folder should be copied to the appdata folder which should be something like /media/mysdcard/pandora/appdata/vvvvvv

Either create the folder or run the pnd once, then copy the data over.

Once the data is present you should just need to run the game.

Note: Previous users dont need to change anything, just get the pnd and play.

Home/Pageup are mapped to Action
End/Pagedown are mapped to Enter (map)

Awesome! Can't wait to try this, thanks for the port Pickle!
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Pickle, would the gp2x systems have limitation issues with VVVVVV? Just curious.
SML said:
Pickle, would the gp2x systems have limitation issues with VVVVVV? Just curious.

If I am remembering correctly the hw accel SDL has 32 bpp support, so I am hoping that makes up the difference for the low system performance.
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Here's hoping this will run well enough on the GPH consoles. Sucks missing out on the awsome releases you do for the Pandora. I have an off topic question though, I seem to remember you stating that you had Vektar running on the Wiz/Caanoo when you were doing the Pandora port. What happened with that, Craig didn't give permission for those ports? Sorry for the derail, I was just curious about that.
Orion4874 said:
Here's hoping this will run well enough on the GPH consoles. Sucks missing out on the awsome releases you do for the Pandora. I have an off topic question though, I seem to remember you stating that you had Vektar running on the Wiz/Caanoo when you were doing the Pandora port. What happened with that, Craig didn't give permission for those ports? Sorry for the derail, I was just curious about that.

actually i do have wiz/caanoo builds i think they might have had a minor bug or two, id like to get them released.
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Pickle said:
Orion4874 said:
Here's hoping this will run well enough on the GPH consoles. Sucks missing out on the awsome releases you do for the Pandora. I have an off topic question though, I seem to remember you stating that you had Vektar running on the Wiz/Caanoo when you were doing the Pandora port. What happened with that, Craig didn't give permission for those ports? Sorry for the derail, I was just curious about that.

actually i do have wiz/caanoo builds i think they might have had a minor bug or two, id like to get them released.

GP2X F-100? :D or is that too much work...
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hitbyambulance said:
Pickle said:
Orion4874 said:
Here's hoping this will run well enough on the GPH consoles. Sucks missing out on the awsome releases you do for the Pandora. I have an off topic question though, I seem to remember you stating that you had Vektar running on the Wiz/Caanoo when you were doing the Pandora port. What happened with that, Craig didn't give permission for those ports? Sorry for the derail, I was just curious about that.

actually i do have wiz/caanoo builds i think they might have had a minor bug or two, id like to get them released.

GP2X F-100? :D or is that too much work...

Thats what the original game was released on so i really dont see the point. My changes were mainly to add an SDL backend and convert any incompatible gp2x code to compatible code.
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BAFelton said:
Some news about the Caanoo version ?

Not really other than its going to be more work than i expected, and thats if it works. I need to simulate a 32 bpp screen with a normal sw surface, then convert that image over onto a real 16 bpp surface. Im also worried that the wiz/caanoo might not have the power to handle the alpha operations.
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