Viewerdm V0.91


Active Member
Feb 16, 2006
Long time ago in a far...not so far :P but in the end of the 2006 year deadwi have created an texte reader with build in MP3 player named dicviewer (strange name for english people ;)) and he have updated this reader and changed his name to ViewerDM.

What's new from Dicviewer 0.5:
- Fix bugs (text out, dictionary)
- Cfg load/save
- Manual Bookmark
- Dictionary (.pdb file format like in PalmOS) & word input

In unknow futur:
- flite (debug...)
- .cfg file
- advance cursor
- supprot mdict or wdic

-In the text viewer:
A / B : Previous/Next MP3
L / R or Joy Left/Right : Page Up/Down
Y : Select/underline a word in the first line of the screen.
X : Search in dictionary the word underline

- In dictionary Viewer:
Joy Left/Right : ???
L, R : Listing of the dictionary
A, B : Select the word in the dictionary
Y : enter in word insertion

-In the dictionary word insertion:
Y : Select different characters (korean, european capital letter or minus, numbers, special)
B : Select the character like on portable phone.
A : Space
X : Backspace
Select, Start : quit

You can download it from here. If someone could upload it to the archive.
Would be great if it could format correctly the Project Gutenberg works...
Would be great if it could format correctly the Project Gutenberg works...
You can use 'Textpad' (a semi-free text reader for windows.. and I think possibly, linux) to easily reformat these, but yes it would be a good idea if there were an ebook reader that could format one of the largest purveyors of ebooks.

By the way, this is a great little app. Thanks to the author.
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Would be great if it could format correctly the Project Gutenberg works...

2Xbook does!

I hacked some stuff together a few months ago to test my SDL_ttf subpixel patch. I named it 2xBook (yes, how original).
It does sorta what you describe.

* a very crude autodetection for pre-wrapped ebooks (like gutenberg books)
* a tiny scrollbar
* a readable font, like yours, but it's set for white-on-black at the moment
(and it's Bold and Sans-Serif, never liked Serif'ed fonts on computer screens)
* extremely slow load times (that is, the first time you open a file)
* automatic bookmarks

buttons: <R> and <L> for PageUp/PageDown, <Start> to exit.
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Wish a speedy pdf reader was made as well :( I downloaded loads of pdf ebooks but don't fancy sitting infront of pc to read them all the time. That or printing them out !
A good PDF reader would be awesome too; definitely something I'd donate to.
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