Vietcong ?


Aug 27, 2004
I've heard that Doom and Quake will run well on the new GP2X and i'm sure i read somewhere that Duke Nukem 3d as well.

Around that time there was a Doom clone called Vietcong. Basic graphics (was on the Doom engine) but an excellent game obviously based in Vietnam.

Does anyone have any knowledge of what games around that time (eg Heretic/Doom etc) are now freeware ?

To get Vietcong to work on the new GP2X i presume you would need the source. So if its freeware the original company (have to find out who) i presume you could download the source from and perhaps get to work on the GP2X ?

Just trying to work out what people would need to convert these sorts of games over
Freeware and open source are totally different things, not many companys make their old games freeware anyways... if it was based on the Doom Engine then technically once/if the Doom engine/game is ported to the GP2X you could have fun making your own levels, textures, meshes etc and make a similar game yourself :)

If its not popular, it probably wont be ported... or at least not soon... find the source code and maybe someone might do it, source code is the most important thing, without it and without it LEGALLY no-one can really do anything...
Oh i see, thanks for the reply. So for Duke Nukem someone must have the source code and as its freeware we just download the wads dont we from their site ?

In Ramsbottom by the way ! Nice to see another Manc GP32 user here
With Duke 3D the engine is free and open source and can be ported. However the game is NOT free. You still have to buy the content (Levels etc.). If you downloaded them for free from somewhere, that was illegal. The only thing free are the demo levels.
It's the same with Quake, Doom etc.
psj3809 posted on Oct 6 2005 at 02:39 PM said:
In Ramsbottom by the way ! Nice to see another Manc GP32 user here

Haven't a clue where that is, I'm not from Manchester, only moved here 3 months ago... working in Wilmslow doing lots of .NET C# developing as a placement student :huh: then back to Sheffield next year to finish my degree :D
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psj3809 posted on Oct 6 2005 at 03:39 PM said:
Oh i see at thanks for the reply. So for Duke Nukem someone must have the source code and as its freeware we just download the wads dont we from their site ?

In Ramsbottom by the way ! Nice to see another Manc GP32 user here

Im from Rochdale. I once got off the bus in "Rams-bottom" (Haha what a name!) by mistake on my way to Rawtenstall, took me 2 hours to walk 8 miles to my girlfreinds house! :o

Im not really looking forward to any of the FPS games on a hand held I need my mouse and keyboard for that kind of fun, cant wait for the MetalSlug games to get an emulater though!
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icurafu posted on Oct 7 2005 at 05:06 AM said:
good chance for heretic and hexen to work.

They both have homebrew releases with sound for the nintendo DS (66mhz cpu). I have tried them and they work well, so should be no issue for the Gp2x..
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Ninjia^ posted on Oct 6 2005 at 05:17 PM said:
Im from Rochdale. I once got off the bus in "Rams-bottom" (Haha what a name!) by mistake on my way to Rawtenstall, took me 2 hours to walk 8 miles to my girlfreinds house! :o

Im not really looking forward to any of the FPS games on a hand held I need my mouse and keyboard for that kind of fun, cant wait for the MetalSlug games to get an emulater though!

Well i'm from 'dan 'saff and moved up as the missus didnt want to move down south (but its always sunny down there !) . For years i laughed like a child when i saw the name Ramsbottom but now here i am !

Anyway like you say any of the FPS games working on the GP2X is gonna be brilliant. Plus thanks to a 1 gig card theres no annoying swapping crappy 128 meg cards in and out
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