Video Player Issues


Still Fresh
Apr 19, 2006

Can anyone help with my questions about the video player please:

1. Do you know how to prevent the video player from automatically playing the next file when it's finished?
It always seems to miss the last second of my video clip so it can load the next one.

2. I always seem to have sound lag, not much, but just enough to be annoying. About a second or so.

3. And finally, I find that the video (and gp2x) lock-up if I turn the volume to max. I'm guessing it's a lack of battery power, even though they're fully charged.
Maybe I need to get some new rechargeables? I've had these sets for a few years now.

Seems like your batteries are a bit duff to me.

I dont know how to stop the next file from playing unless you place each video in a separate folder, and
besides that i've never had any cuttoff from my vids (Encoding prob me thinks)

I also never get audio lag unless i've taken audio from PCM to MP3 and even then it's only 1/10th of a second out and i correct that with virtualdub.
And lastly, I've never experienced crashing in the video player at all (gotta be batts dude, have you tried duracel standards just to see)

Sorry cant help much. :(
I use Super© for all my encoding.
Avi/DivX, MP3 sound.

I've tried lowering the video bitrate to around the 500 mark and audio at 96 but it doesn't help with the lag.
I'll have a look at virtualdub and I'll try some new batteries.

Thankyou :)
Good point StarG,

I encode my video's using -

DivX v5 @ 350Kbps 'ish (320x240 4:3 - 320x180 16:9) Depends on original ratio.
MP3 Audio Mono @ 22050Khz

Creating a file size around 330-380 MB's (1h 45m)

These settings still look ok using TV-out (32" CRT 4:3) albeit slightly blurred.

None of my original files/videos suffer in anyway either.