Because I don't have an s-video cable with a female connector and the only tv around with an s-video input has it in the back, I was looking for a way to test my new TV-Out cable. The answer was my firewire capture device which had an easily accessible s-video input. Since the TV-Out cable is kind of dodgy, I found I had to keep upwards pressure on the adapter for a good connection. Still, I got audio out of the GP2X's speakers. I'm not sure if it was also going through the RCA audio cables because I didn't have them hooked up to my capture device; I was feeling kind of lazy.
Anyway, since I was watching the GP2X's output in a capture program, I just hit the capture button to record the output, and I thought I might as well share the video for anyone who might be interested. The video starts off with a little Super Mario on the NES emulator; then, I view a small part of a video I had on my SD card; next, I show off the new photo viewer (don't worry the picture isn't too dirty
and it is work safe); then, I play with the positioning of the screen (for me, I couldn't position it vertically at all, but I could move it horizontally); finally, I read part of an ebook.
I encoded two versions of the video: one left at full 720x480 resolution that I captured it in, and the other at 320x240, which will have the correct aspect ratio if you were to view the TV-Out picture on a standard TV. The larger version is 11.3MB and the small one is 3.5MB. Rapidshare I think only allows you one download per hour, so pick the one that you really want. The 720x480 video shows off the quality of the TV-Out video well, but the 320x240 is a smaller download. The videos are both XviD and should work on the GP2X, but I haven't tested it. I guess it doesn't really make sense to watch a video of the TV-Out of the GP2X on a GP2X, but if you wanted to do that, I won't stop you.
Finally, here are the links:
I think the downloads should work; although, I haven't tested them myself. If they don't work, thank you for listening to what I have been doing the last hour of my life. Tomorrow: the interesting things I do before breakfast
Anyway, since I was watching the GP2X's output in a capture program, I just hit the capture button to record the output, and I thought I might as well share the video for anyone who might be interested. The video starts off with a little Super Mario on the NES emulator; then, I view a small part of a video I had on my SD card; next, I show off the new photo viewer (don't worry the picture isn't too dirty
I encoded two versions of the video: one left at full 720x480 resolution that I captured it in, and the other at 320x240, which will have the correct aspect ratio if you were to view the TV-Out picture on a standard TV. The larger version is 11.3MB and the small one is 3.5MB. Rapidshare I think only allows you one download per hour, so pick the one that you really want. The 720x480 video shows off the quality of the TV-Out video well, but the 320x240 is a smaller download. The videos are both XviD and should work on the GP2X, but I haven't tested it. I guess it doesn't really make sense to watch a video of the TV-Out of the GP2X on a GP2X, but if you wanted to do that, I won't stop you.
Finally, here are the links:
I think the downloads should work; although, I haven't tested them myself. If they don't work, thank you for listening to what I have been doing the last hour of my life. Tomorrow: the interesting things I do before breakfast