Video Of Tv-out In Action


Nov 29, 2005
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Because I don't have an s-video cable with a female connector and the only tv around with an s-video input has it in the back, I was looking for a way to test my new TV-Out cable. The answer was my firewire capture device which had an easily accessible s-video input. Since the TV-Out cable is kind of dodgy, I found I had to keep upwards pressure on the adapter for a good connection. Still, I got audio out of the GP2X's speakers. I'm not sure if it was also going through the RCA audio cables because I didn't have them hooked up to my capture device; I was feeling kind of lazy.

Anyway, since I was watching the GP2X's output in a capture program, I just hit the capture button to record the output, and I thought I might as well share the video for anyone who might be interested. The video starts off with a little Super Mario on the NES emulator; then, I view a small part of a video I had on my SD card; next, I show off the new photo viewer (don't worry the picture isn't too dirty ;) and it is work safe); then, I play with the positioning of the screen (for me, I couldn't position it vertically at all, but I could move it horizontally); finally, I read part of an ebook.

I encoded two versions of the video: one left at full 720x480 resolution that I captured it in, and the other at 320x240, which will have the correct aspect ratio if you were to view the TV-Out picture on a standard TV. The larger version is 11.3MB and the small one is 3.5MB. Rapidshare I think only allows you one download per hour, so pick the one that you really want. The 720x480 video shows off the quality of the TV-Out video well, but the 320x240 is a smaller download. The videos are both XviD and should work on the GP2X, but I haven't tested it. I guess it doesn't really make sense to watch a video of the TV-Out of the GP2X on a GP2X, but if you wanted to do that, I won't stop you.

Finally, here are the links:

I think the downloads should work; although, I haven't tested them myself. If they don't work, thank you for listening to what I have been doing the last hour of my life. Tomorrow: the interesting things I do before breakfast :P .
The Video Out seems to be working just fine so far.

I like that the menu and the eBook reader come through on the TV

Thanks for the cool clip.

Edit: GPH said anything made with the official SDK would TV-out, whatever that means.
The video looked good. I assume you've updated to the latest firmware. I've heard horror stories about the TV out having to shove it in the gp2x just right for it to work. Are all the problems fixed now?
Yeah, I have to always have updward pressure on my gp2x for it to work right...kinda stinks, i e-mailed and asked about returns or exchange for a new one...
I'd love to watch it, but rapidshare won't allow me :( - It tells me someone with my IP is already downloading - even though I am not.

The problem is NTL - they route everything through proxy servers so if anyone on NTL in the area is using it, it shows up as me.

After reptitive trying of attempting to find a time when I could download without fail, I have given up :(

Therefore, could I ask - how is the quality? Is it what you expected? Are you happy with the performance?

EDIT: IT finally let me past that page, only to tell me I had downloaded too much and had to go premium.
i had that problem with i use hide ip platinum and change my proxy a few times and it seems to work.

Video looks good althugh there is too much frameskip on the nes emulator for my likeing.
I'd love to watch it, but rapidshare won't allow me :( - It tells me someone with my IP is already downloading - even though I am not.

The problem is NTL - they route everything through proxy servers so if anyone on NTL in the area is using it, it shows up as me.

After reptitive trying of attempting to find a time when I could download without fail, I have given up :(

Therefore, could I ask - how is the quality? Is it what you expected? Are you happy with the performance?

EDIT: IT finally let me past that page, only to tell me I had downloaded too much and had to go premium.
just use a proxy
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TV Out works for everything since Firmware v1.2.0.
You just turn it on in the menu and EVERYTHING is being redirected to the TV.
Yay - I've been trying all day and finally got a download ticket. Downloading right now :)

EDIT: Got it! Looks nice, great to see it in action and seems functional. Only thing is the issue of only SDL apps working, although I hope they fix that - may become more of a problem when HH is available and with non SDL apps (eg. DrMDx) although interesting what someone said about it working with a different TV cable.
The video looked good. I assume you've updated to the latest firmware. I've heard horror stories about the TV out having to shove it in the gp2x just right for it to work. Are all the problems fixed now?

I heard that someone just had to bend the pins on there tv cable to make them have better contact and that solved the problem.
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Wow... nice video :). What resolution, out of interest, was the video you played on it? I've got a GP32 encoded version of the same thing at 320x240, and if it's that one, then it's an impressive transition to full screen indeed. If not, then how detailed *is* it?
The original video is 640x360 and encoded with DivX3. I had a problem with the audio playing faster or ahead of the video, which I've never had before, but I have a feeling that was because I was outputing NTSC on the cable and the video is at 25fps (PAL framerate) instead of 29.97fps (NTSC framerate).
The original video is 640x360 and encoded with DivX3. I had a problem with the audio playing faster or ahead of the video, which I've never had before, but I have a feeling that was because I was outputing NTSC on the cable and the video is at 25fps (PAL framerate) instead of 29.97fps (NTSC framerate).

I am pretty sure it is the New update (1.2.0) that screws up the audio sync, but you could be right also. To test it just play the video back on your gp2x without the tv-out cable.
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Yeah, I think you are right that it is the new firmware. I just watched it normally and the audio was just as much out of sync.