Vertical Blu+ Fix


Aug 26, 2003
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Somebody really asked for it! So I fixed VERTICAL to run on a BLU+. I have no
BLU+ myself so I was not able to test it myself. Any feedback on this is
welcome. Since the sound was shit and I am not going to improve anything on
VERTICAL (there are some really ugly mem leaks) don't ask me to add sound.
Just stay tuned for the upcoming (it will takes some months though) release of
VERTICAl 2 RETRY for GP32! Any news on this can be found at my site

I want to thank everybody who mailed me regarding VERTICAL, the feedback was
great even though I think VERTICAL is crap and I am really disappointed how it
turned out. Seems that some things are never finished. Thank you all for your
support and friendly words!

I also will take this chance to throw some greets and shouts to the guys at
#gp32dev: You guys are great and the best way to waste my spare free time!
and of yourse the guys and gals behind gp32x: You are real Pr0nstarz, keep up
the good work!

Thanks for the fix, will try today.

I really liked this game, played it on my flu, the shield is kinda hard with the triggers, but a fun game nonetheless.

Can't wait for version 2!

Thanks for the fix, will try today.

I really liked this game, played it on my flu, the shield is kinda hard with the triggers, but a fun game nonetheless.

Can't wait for version 2!


yeah, an option to redefine the buttond would kick ass. vertical is a nice little shooter :)
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