Valve: Screw it, we will no longer filter content on Steam except for illegal stuff.

"Trolling" - so they're going to remove and bar games those games that are no more than asset flips and glorified coding tutorials?
Yeah, I'm wondering what constitutes trolling too.

I once read an article about a gay guy who tried to put a party game about describing drawings of penises to other people on Steam. He wasn't even trolling either, just presumably very, very gay. >_>
I think it is a good change, they should not be policing this kind of things. We should never have allowed a single platform the basically define the PC gaming market to begin with.

That said, I have and will boycott steam for their usage of DRM, so it makes little difference to me.
I like it. In the age of every company trying to bend over backwards to conform to everybody sensitivities it's refreshing seeing a company let the consumers decide what they buy. Don't like a game on steam? Don't buy it. The platform should be neutral.
If you don't make games, don't deny the efforts of others. Makes sense.

Greater sense still in that people are making games for them to sell.
SJW-ing is an unwise strategy for a game-company.

Bully hunter headsets… The fact that SJWs turn up for these empty ploys is telling.