Pandora Validating my .pnd with pxml-validator : a whole bunch of errors


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
First, i had an error in a commentary (!).

$ sh pxml-validator --pxml ../pnd/PXML.xml

[WARNING] No report level specified; defaulting to "strict"

[Fatal Error] :39:83: The string "--" is not permitted within comments.

[ERROR] The file contains invalid XML.

[ERROR] Error:

[ERROR] The string "--" is not permitted within comments.



	<association name="Deinterlaced Bitmap Image" filetype="image/bmp" exec="-f %s --no-deinterlacing"/>

	<association name="Style sheet system crasher" filetype="text/css" exec="-f %s --crash-on-success"/>



Changed -- into - , but it's annoying that commentaries are checked. Maybe it's part of the strict checking.

And now :

$ sh pxml-validator --pxml ../pnd/PXML.xml

[WARNING] No report level specified; defaulting to "strict"

[ERROR] The PXML file has both errors and issues.

[ERROR] Errors:

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] No title elements were specified.

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The icon doesn't have a src attribute!

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] There is no version element!

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The version element has no major attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The version element has no minor attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The version element has no release attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The version element has no build attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] There is no osversion element!

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The osversion element has no major attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The osversion element has no minor attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The osversion element has no release attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The osversion element has no build attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] There is no exec element

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] No description elements were specified.

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[ERROR] The root node does not have an "id" attribute

[ERROR] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] Issues:

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] The PXML file does not contain an icon entry.

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] There is no author element

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] There is no clockspeed element

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] There is no previewpics element

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] There is no associations element

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[WARNING] There is no categories element

[WARNING] ----------------------------------------

[iNFO] Validation process done.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<PXML xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PXML_schema.xsd">

	<application id="base.testing" appdata="base_data">

		<title lang="en_US">base INSTALLER</title>

		<description lang="en_US">I'm testing.</description>

		<exec command=""/>


<exec background="true" startdir="/usr/share/icons/" standalone="true" command="" arguments="arg1 arg2" x11="ignore"/>


		<icon src="base.png"/>

		<info name="base README" type="text/html" src="README.txt"/>



	<pic src="preview/pic1.jpg"/>

	<pic src="preview/pic2.jpg"/>



		<author name="Linux-SWAT" website=""/>

		<version major="0" minor="1" release="1" build="1"/>

		<osversion major="Zaxxon" minor="HF5" release="1" build="1"/>


			<category name="System">





	<association name="Deinterlaced Bitmap Image" filetype="image/bmp" exec="-f %s -no-deinterlacing"/>

	<association name="Style sheet system crasher" filetype="text/css" exec="-f %s -crash-on-success"/>




<clockspeed frequency="600"/>




	<dir path="/foo/bar"/>





Btw, my icon doesn't works :/
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Okay, I'm assuming pxml-validator uses PXML_schema.xsd to validate the PXML.xml.

If that is so, then the order of the elements in your application tag is wrong. Because the xsd doesn't specifically allow random order, it implicitly demands the following order (lines starting with an asterisk are optional tags):

- exec

- title

- author

- version

* osversion

* description

* icon

* previewpics

* info

- categories

* associations

* clockspeed
Well, i looked at it at the very beginning of my .pnd trip, and as i do many other things, i'm a bit confused with all this new stuff.

Thx for the links, it's useful.