Using the pandora as an wifi-repeater?


Oct 18, 2010
The idea is using the pandora as an wifi-repater.
I have sometimes problems with the wifi-signal in hotels or apartments.

It would be great, if I could use the pandora with the build in AND an USB-wifi as a wifi-repeater for my laptop or smartphone.

Is it possible?
In a regular linux is esily done with hostapd.

In pandora I guess Arch is your best option to get it installed and working.
Thanks for your answers, but install a new linux-system is not what i want. Is there a solution for SuperZaxxon?
Check if you can install hostapd with ipkg (Zaxxon/Angstrom's package manager).

Here's also a NAT script that you can tweak and run, if Zaxxon's kernel has the right modules.
You may also make it more secure.


Indeed slackware may work as well or better than arch. Really I just said arch because came to mind to be a more or less up-to-date alternative ditstro on pandora.

About using stock firmware. I won't advise. Old repositories if not abandoned totally, almost no space left on the flash, conflicts with already installed libraries ...

I talk from experience, I have broken my superzaxxon installation a couple of times plying with opkg.
Slackware is the only alternate OS having 100% hardware/functionality working :^) .
@Palmiga Your first test is if you can put your Wifi Dongle into "master" (Access PointMode / promiscuous listening) mode:

sudo su
iwconfig --help
iwconfig wlanX
iwconfig wlanX mode master

Where X=0 for internal wifi and X=1 for a USB Wifi.

I did not manage even with my aetheros dongle (neither with the build-in wifi). It could be because iwconfig is an older version and even misses some commands

Unfortunately, to make a bridge... you need brctl (which I could not find for SZ)
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Thank you, @notaz !

opkg update; opkg install bridge-utils
Now for a dongle that DOES support it...

handy link (iw v/s equivalent iwconfig commands):

But it seems "master" mode can only be reached with a special userspace program that can be compiled, instructions here (but need to go to bed now, as work is very demanding and need to start at 7 tomorrow):

My x86 Debian distro gives a bit more helpful information:
root@devuan:~# iw wlan0 set type master
You need to run a management daemon, e.g. hostapd,
for more information on how to do that.

While the same USB wifi dongle gives this on the Pandora:
pandy~# iwconfig wlan1 mode master
Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
   SET failed on device wlan1 ; Invalid argument.

All required commands in a row:
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