Using multiple disks with Castaway

Actually, the emulator supports disk swapping but only from drive A. If you try to insert a disk in drive B, the emu will crash.
By the way, nothing wrong about asking for help & no, not everybody has the time or ressources to find answers to their questions.

ldaneels posted on May 15 2003 said:
Actually, the emulator supports disk swapping but only from drive A. If you try to insert a disk in drive B, the emu will crash.
By the way, nothing wrong about asking for help & no, not everybody has the time or ressources to find answers to their questions.

This has been fixed in the new 9.1 :D

and it was your own fault anyway cause ye wernt ejecting the disk first... the same problems appear in the Amiga emu winuae on the PC :P
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