Trackers In Castaway


Feb 22, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
I just installed CaSTaway on my FLU so I can compose modules on the go..
Using Tos 1.02 and Digi Comopsor 1.0 which I found HERE!

There was a .MOD included with the tracker, which I loaded and played
... but I only heard a lot of noise ????

Maybe it's a bad tracker in terms of CaSTaway compatibility ??
Has anyone here any experience with any trackers in CaSTaway ??

Well, I also have a problem creating patternes .. when i select 'cursor input',
the cursor still won't move ??

I need a lot of samples on my SMC. Can harddisk be emulated with CaSTaway ??
Ok, I tried out some more trackers:

NoiseTracker ST 2.0
Looks and behaves alright, but there is no sound when the module is playing

ProTracker ST 2.1
When loaded CaSTaway says 'IkbdRecv: Input buffer overrun!'

X-ProTracker 1.0
I can't get this one to load

...hmm, this is getting a lot harder than i first thought it would be :unsure:
hey i've always wanted to run trackers on my gp too. but i thought there were no trackers available for the platforms that gp can run. until now. first i have to load castaway and try to run those trackers myself.

i've always get excited when a music app for gp is released or updated but mostly get dissappointed.

if you can manage to make a tracker program run and sound nice please lemme know.
grooveholmes posted on Oct 23 2004 at 02:08 PM said:
if you can manage to make a tracker program run and sound nice please lemme know.

Well, I understand that we are in the same boat :D
The best we can do is to investigate the matter ourselves, and then
maybe post our discoveries in this thread... i bet a lot of GP32 users
would love to have a tracker (capable of saving MOD files) running
on their little handheld baby !!!

I could ofcourse create the modules on my PC, but the GP32 speakers
are so crappy in comparison.. it never soulds alike when it's played
from the GP32... it would save me a lot of time to just create the
module directly using the GP32 speakers !!
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well at least we can look for some opensource tracker software for the pc (samplewise) that is suitable to port for the gp and carry this subject to the cool ideas & wishes forum.

btw curiously, how did or will (seems no tracker worked) you load your samples to those trackers working on castaway anyway?

I don't think Castaway (even Castaway+ with improved sample playback) can handle any of the st trackers well enough to actually use...
I've heard that someone is making a gp32 native mod tracker right now though so your dreams may soon come true :)
So now we are three in the boat :) A MOD tracker (or possibly XM one) would be a splendid thing to have for our GP32s.
I have tried only one tracker for Atari ST and it did what was already said there - nothing.
As of late, I have been looking into the basics of creating a MOD player which I could then remake into a tracker, but I am pretty lost in the formulas that are needed to mix multiple sounds. I have created two simple MIDI trackers for the PC so I thought I may be able to make a MOD tracker for the GP32...however, sound mixing is difficult and then there is the circular buffer which would need to be coded then...
Maybe someone with better experience will try to create one, I am looking forward to that :)
grooveholmes posted on Oct 23 2004 at 03:06 PM said:
well at least we can look for some opensource tracker software for the pc (samplewise) that is suitable to port for the gp and carry this subject to the cool ideas & wishes forum.

btw curiously, how did or will (seems no tracker worked) you load your samples to those trackers working on castaway anyway?

Look HERE for sorcecode B)

And I did not even get a ST tracker to play, so I have not tried to load any samples!
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Ey! I also love the GP32's trackers in any emulator or form & I want a good solution... :-)

Time ago I Think to create a tracker for the GP32... but the I have short time.

I like the .XM format... but .MOD will be very well in CaSTaway or any system emulator...

mmmmm.. great will be a Skale tracker port for the GP32...

Let's wait a better compatibility in CaSTaway or new por of the ST emulator (¿Winstone?) wich now I can't remember who will do it... :-¿?
(desde luego, mi inglés es cojonudo, I'm sorry)

Pardon my english but I haven't used altavista traductor... porque estoy perro :-P

Good Bye!
The reason I want a tracker in the first place is to develop MOD tunes for our
hardworking dev's to use in their creations... I understand that it is fairly simple
for a programmer to use ModLib to play a MOD file, but does ModLib also play XM
and S3M modules ??? To be honest I don't care what format our hopefully forthcoming
tracker port will save as, as long as it's a format which dev's can make use of !!
Writing a tracker isn't too bad; playback libs for trackers are all over the place, and already ported, and editting is easier to write (though more work due to being a larger but easier project)

Anyway, CaSTaway is not a really exacting ST emu; it has to cut a lot of corners in order to be easy portable, very fast on low end devices, and easy to write; ie: Other emus are more comprehensive, but usually much slower. Trackers tended to be more to the metal, since they were high load back in the day on lowly 8MHz machines :)

Quarter playback in CaSTaway works out pretty well, so you could use the Aurtet tools to make things, but I doubt Quartet was ever ported to non-ST or non-Amiga formats..

I didn't realise there was a version of Castaway with improved sample playback, so when upgrading to the sexy new 15.2 I tried out "Castaway+" with a protracker disk, it sounds a lot better and is probally to some degree "useable" if you can get over the ancient tracker ui / emu ui issues, will be a royal pain transfering converted samples to a ST disk image every time though etc... anyway just thought I'd share my findings... I too hope someone blesses us with a native tracker...