Usb Ps2 Joystick Adaptor Recommendation


Still Fresh
Jun 11, 2007
I have a PS2 to USB adaptor for my PC that works great with WinXP, but very old and required special drivers. However, it is not recognized when plugged in the cradle. Please advise which PS2 to USB adaptor works well with the base. A link to a online store that sells them would be best.

What's the setup like with the 2X/cradle and one of these PS2 to USB hubs? Namco arcade sticks with something like a CPS2 awesome.

Yeah, driver issues?
I have the 2 port USB blue PS2 adaptor. I have used the information in this topic and now I see in gpFCE that the joystick is found. However, in gpFCE, I am unable to use it.

Any tips?
rememberthe8bit said:
Fueler said:
I have the 2 port USB blue PS2 adaptor. I have used the information in this topic and now I see in gpFCE that the joystick is found. However, in gpFCE, I am unable to use it.

Any tips?
You'll need to change the controls in the options menu.

I see it is found, but when I try to reconfigure the buttons I see the LED on the PS2 adaptor blinking, indicating input, but nothing in gpfce is happening. I clear the button assignment then try and use the PS2 gamepad to enter a new button without luck.

While in a game with default config I try to press buttons on the PS2 gamepad in hopes that there is a dual config, 1 if pressing the gp2x and another if using the PS2 gamepad. However, I have had no luck in getting the PS2 to work.

Thank you guys for being patient with me!
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