Hi, I just bought my GP2X and hooked the USB from the GP2X to the PC. The PC won't accept my system even when connected. Do I have to have a scan disk card, or can I connect directly from GP2X to the PC using my cable?Thanks
scandisk? wf? you surely mean sd, secure digital.
there are various posts about usb issues with the gp2x, the most common problem seems to be a faulty usb cable.
You did select the data transfer option from the menu, did you?
starman - because of the multipurpose nature of the USB port on the GP2X, you'll need to tell it that you want to do data transfer. Go to the Settings menus, and then to the USB option. Pick which drive you want to use (probably the SD Card, but you can use the NAND instead if you want) and then it should show up automatically on your PC (and you'll get a USB Connectivity window on your GP2X).
Can I recommend that you read the most excellent user-created user manual available from here.
It will be usefull that you state the firmware you're using
There was a special dll for previous version of the firmware but I think all this is corrected with firmware 2.1.1
Have you tried the search function of the forum ?