I've got a usb -> network adapter, works on my pc in windows and Linux with no installing. So I know there is code out there for Linux to run it.
Connected it to my Bob to see what happened, the hot plug stuff recognised it but it kept bombing which then caused it to act as if it had just been plugged in, so it would repeat the whole process again and again.....
Here is my log file
I'm a bit lost in linux so i'm going to take this one step at a time. So to start how do I stop it keep thinking the adaptor has just been connected? (assuming this is a software problem, i've connected other stuff to the bob ok)
Connected it to my Bob to see what happened, the hot plug stuff recognised it but it kept bombing which then caused it to act as if it had just been plugged in, so it would repeat the whole process again and again.....
Here is my log file
I'm a bit lost in linux so i'm going to take this one step at a time. So to start how do I stop it keep thinking the adaptor has just been connected? (assuming this is a software problem, i've connected other stuff to the bob ok)